Chapter II

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"FATHER!" Cateline screamed for the sixteenth time.
"Can you not see that I am busy, Cateline? Go play with that dog that you always talk to." her father said waving his hand like he was shooing a fly.
"First off," Cateline said, "his name is King, and second, I need to talk to you about taking over the throne."
"Cateline," her father sighed, "I believe you will make a great queen, but your father is very busy right now. We can talk tomorrow."
"Father, I do not want to take over the throne! I do not want to marry a man that I have never met." Cateline yelled, resisting the urge to stomp her feet like a child.
"This can not be! You will take over the throne, and marry, even if you do not like it." The king demanded.
"I refuse!" Cateline yelled.
She ran out of the throne room. Her Father yelled for her to come back, as well as halting the guards that tried to stop her. He lowered his hand as Cateline ran to her bedchambers. He sighed, hiding his panic. Both of his oldest refused the throne. That would mean Achard would take the throne, but Achard was young, too young. What if Achard accidentally gave the kingdom to their rival? What if Achard gave the small land-locked kingdom of Lirasean to the emperor of Alardocia?
Who will be this man? She pondered.
Then her brother, Aldus, came in.
"Dear sister, what is the matter?" Aldus asked.
"Oh, dear brother! Father demanded me to take the throne, and I do not want to marry a man I do not know," Cateline said sadly, shaking her head from side to side.
Aldus closed his eyes and nodded his head up and down understandingly.
"I refused the throne as well," Aldus confessed.
"Then that would mean Achard will have the throne," Cateline said.
"Yes, I guess that would, but he is only a mere two years!" Aldus sighed.
Cateline sighed as well, there was a chance that Achard could die before their father. That thing happens a lot, but only to lower-class families. Seeing that they were children of a king, there was a lower chance of Achard dying, but there was still a chance.
Cateline's thoughts were interrupted by Aldus; "We will run away! Leave this place, take an adventure, and be back when Achard is declared king!"
Cateline jumped up from her bed, "yes! But what if Archard.."
Aldus sighed, "dies? He'll be fine Cateline, he's strong."
Cateline nods her head up and down.
"We will leave later tonight, I will wake you up," Aldus declared, then pushed off the doorframe and walked to his bedchambers.
Soon Cateline was laying in bed and looking up at the ceiling above her. Eventually, she fell asleep.
Only to awake a few hours later. She woke, as did Aldus. They both head to their wardrobes. Aldus quickly grabs some clothes, his cloak, and his chainmail armor then throws them on. He grabs his sword, puts it in the sheath, and silently runs out the door. He walked quickly avoiding the guards by hiding in the shadow of the candles. He eventually opened the door to his twin sister's room. Cateline whirled around, her cloak dropping off her shoulders. She sighed when she saw it was just Aldus.
"Brother! You scared me!" Cateline said, picking up her cloak and putting it on.
"We should go now, can you teleport us out of the castle?" Aldus asked Cateline.
"Maybe, but I would be tired afterward."
"True," Aldus said, then took a few seconds to think of a plan.
Cateline's Magic was a multitude of different Magics. The female-born nobles are usually born with many Magics, as the male-born nobles are only gifted one Magic. Any person born from noble blood is given these said powers.
"If you teleport us to the Volk Forest then I can carry you farther into the forest while you rest." Aldus recited the plan to Cateline.
"But what about you? You would be tired too."
"I will be fine, dear sister," he said smoothly and smiled at his sister.
Cateline moved her head up and down, placed her hand on her brother, then she blinked. In an instant, Cateline and Aldus found themselves in the Volk forest on the outskirts of the castle wall and the tiny village that surrounded it. Cateline fell against a tree, worn out from the big spell. Aldus picked her up and headed farther into the forest.
Aldus walked for an hour or two before feeling groggy, but he trudged on. Soon he fell upon a river. He sighed and set Cateline down against a tree then he felt her face. She was chilled to the bone, so he took off his cape and laid it over her. Then he sat down near the bank of the river and splashed the water on his face to cool off from the walk. As soon as he laid near his sister though he fell into a deep sleep.
He woke up the next morrow, while it was still dark. He sat up and decided that since he was up he would practice using his sword and strength magic as one as he usually did, so early in the morning. His strength magic was
Aldus walked away from the river and headed over to a clearing. He started practicing before seeing a huge yellow orb illuminate two men running away.
So, as you can see some of this chapter does differ from my writing style. Cateline's part was mostly written by my sister, I just cleaned it up a bit.
          - ShyLevi

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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