She's Awake!

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"You should go up and get some rest. We shall continue our discussion in the morning."

As much as you tried to lay your head down, you just couldn't stop the questions swirling around in your mind. Like why this town seems so...old? You're not exactly sure how to describe it, but that's the closest you get. The entire place looks so run down and the ground is dry. Everyone dresses odd too...That's rude, it probably has to do with the religion or culture here.

Ack, your back hurts... Maybe you're just overthinking. You take out your phone and check the percentage. It's still at 69%. Haha nice. You turn it off so you can use it tomorrow. Worst case scenario, you can always call 112.

"Ooh, what does this button do?"

It's morning now. You awake to the sound of a pained yelp and your camera being manhandled by..what was his name? Zenith?

Fearing he'd break it, you get up a bit too quickly and forced back on the bed by vertigo.

"Seriously dude? Get your grimy hands off of my camera! Unless you wanna buy me a new one if you break it!" Your shout causes Mon to sit up and start rubbing their tired eyes. You've told them not to do that because they'll get dark circles, but they never listen.

They mumble, tiredly getting out of bed and walking up to Zen..ith? The boy, who is no longer in any armour, becomes stunned as the camera is flashed again when Mon accidentally presses the shutter down. Then, returning it to you.

And then children will do what children do best, argue.

"Hey, that hurt you little- Ack!" He blocks his stomach with his arms as Mon attempts to kick him in the gut.

"Shut up, stinky! Go take a shower!" They try again.

He retorts, "I- I DID! I don't stink! YOU stink, stinky!"

You should stop them before this gets out of hand. Before you can do anything, Mommy- I mean, Donna shows up, "Ladies, ladies, you're both very beautiful. Now break it up before you break your bones."

"Thank you Donna." She nods to you and says, "No probl'm sugar, anytime. I came here to let you know Garroth wants to see ya sometime today. Zenix here was s'pose to tell ya, but clearly he's.." She glares at the kids beside us, "Hmph. Well anywho, Garroth should be waiting around by the docks today, he's waitin on a merchant who should be arrivin' soon."

You thank her once more and try to make an exit, but she stops you from getting up, "Ah ah ah, one more thing. I'll watch over your kid and sleepy friend over there,-" You forgot she was there, "But after you've spoken with Garroth, I need you to come by my place with the merchant immediately, okay? His name is Visher. Tell him I sent you to get him for me. We're gonna get the three of you a nice bath and into some proper clothes."

Looking at yourself, you're not sure what's wrong with yours or Mon's clothes besides them being a little wrinkly from sleeping in them, but you suppose it would be nice to have something cleaner on...As long as it's not the same style of clothes her and every other townfolk are wearing.

Not to be rude, but you're not too fond of wearing patterns that look like your great grandma's wallpaper.

Putting your shoes on and placing your camera back in it's bag, you save that conversation for later and head out to find Gay-rith. People here have odd names..Is that rude to say? Best not to mention it, you don't wanna get cancelled. Haha joke.


Who does this insolent fool think he is? Thinking he can just barge in and touch Yuu's things?

"Zenix," Donna sighs.

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