Welcome to The Adventure Shop

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An adventure shop with all the tricks, gadgets, dudads, and whatchamacallits you might need on your journey.

The wall glistened, but it was not the wall itself, it was the weapons lining it.

The sun shone through the windows bouncing off the metal and blinding the shopkeeper who cleaned the bar between the weapons and the rest of the shop.

The shopkeeper, Dahlia, blinked as the bright light invaded her vision. The light was annoying, but there was no point in fixing it. The gleaming weapons were good for business. First time, bright eyed warriors were charmed by the power of the metal on the wall. Though, through gentle guidance of the shopkeeper, would often leave with the items other than ones on the back wall.

Dahlia continued to go about the shop.

Organizing the typical everyday items needed like backpacks, hammers, nails, candles, walking sticks, ropes, torches, blankets, tinder boxes, and the bags of coins. Each bag holding coins from several regions for more diverse spending opportunities for her travelers. And it allowed her to accept various currency from whomever entered her shop. All these items hung and were stored on the far right side of the shop wall.

Dahlia moved onto the potions, elixirs, balms, ointments, and herbs for various uses. Kept on a shelf toward the right side of the shop. She organized each of them to face forward ensuring the labels were clear as well as stuck to the glass well. No one would ever use one of her products and be endanger of it being mislabeled or smudged.

She moved to the middle shelf of the shop. The shelves of knowledge, scrolls, notes, books of various topics, and other leather folders that held various pieces of papers. Looking very disorganized, but Dahlia knew where every piece of knowledge belonged. What she gave to adventurers was carefully scribed copies of her precious originals, but never the originals themselves.

On the left side of the shop held the shelf of various objects used in diversions, escapes, or just the general fun of pranks.

On the far left wall held various clothes and heavy cloaks for the new adventurers just starting their journey. The cloaks and clothes came in every size and style to accommodate the creatures that came into the shop.

Though the Giant's cloaks and clothes were kept in the back of their shop due to the size as they could not hang and be kept clean.

Dahlia looked at the back of the shop. A place no one else would go. A place that held treasures most special.

Magic ingredients, weapons, spell books, wands and staffs, a library of books too precious to be left in the front of the shop. A table for work stood in the middle of the room. Empty bottles, books, unfinished books, and tools lay about the room waiting for a purpose. A place for her to create, invent, and imagine.

To the right was a door that lead outside to her metal working. The kelm residing under an old open stable converted to hold all she needed to create the weapons inside. Overtime she was slowly learning to create anything. Her one struggle was working with any metal. Some of the more delicate metal was too easily destroyed with her current skill set. Though it was a setback she would continue to learn and try, or hope one of the adventurers would teach her in trade for anything needed in the shop for their journey.

That is how she learned most things. She never traveled herself, but from the adventures she learned more than she could traveling. All of their combined knowledge adding to her ability to help anyone find what they needed for their journey. And her skill growing in creating and inventing new items for her shop.

As she finished organizing she wondered if she would have a few moments to go upstairs to her little home to make a snack. The door opened answering her question as she waited to see who entered.

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