The Moonstone

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"She is gone, Hazel. We couldn't find her. This is all that was left." Borg said as Aster looked completely distraught.

Hazel smirked and took a step to the left.

The looks on their faces made Dahlia laugh, their faces had the same look a dog gets when they see their owner come home.

They rushed the table where Dahlia lay still and as soon as they got to her side treated her as if she would break from their touch.

"You're alive!"

"Thank the stars you are safe."

Dahlia barely moved her head to look at each of them, staying still as instructed by Hazel, "Yeah, I'm okay guys."

Hazel, still by the door, huffed loudly.

Borg turned to look at Hazel and then back at Dahlia, "What is wrong? Was she hurt?"

Hazel walked to the corner and got a bucket. Filling it with ale she gave it to the cube for all its hard work, after all, it had waited long enough.

"Hazel? Dahlia? What are you not telling us?" Aster asked, concern written throughout his features.

Dahlia remained silent, not sure where to start.

Hazel sighed and told them what she wished was not true for their friend, "She is tied to a moonstone. And she also happens to be our enemy's princess."

"Back when I was young." Dahlia defended herself.

Borg and Aster remained puzzled.

"Now would be a good time to hear the whole story. What you have just said is that our quiet shop keeper is an enemy of this land. And is also connected to what?" Aster said, grabbing a chair and sitting close to Dahlia.

"A moonstone is a celestial stone. It is usually found and kept until a worthy individual is found. The stone will then, through a process created by a foolish wizard, be connected to a young magic prodigy. The stone absorbs some, if not all, of the individual's magic. The original intent was meant as a way to help others, but turned disaturious when the individuals were murdered to disconnect them from the stone. It was then outlawed as a practice as the one tied to the stone may encounter severe adverse action against them. If the moonstone is destroyed the individual will die. If it is removed and taken at a great distance away from the individual they will die. In order for someone else to possess the magic the individual's connection must be severed through death."

"Dahlia's moonstone was stolen. How is she still alive?" Borg asked.

"How did you know?" Dahlia asked.

"I found the hidden cellar that I suspected it must have been in." Borg answered.

"To answer your question, Borg. A piece of the moonstone broke off. It is keeping her alive. But if it were lost, she would be gone." Hazel concluded.

A heavy silence came over the room.

Dahlia broke it with hope in her voice, "Most of my shop survived right? It isn't fully destroyed is it?"

Aster shook his head solemnly, "We were only able to salvage what was in the cart. Also, your kelm is intact, but the rest was destroyed. The shop is gone, Dahlia."

A strangled sob came from Dahlia.

She sobbed, moving as little as possible, making it sound like a wounded animal crying out rather than the shopkeeper before them.

As Dahlia cried they sat and listened. Staying still and being with her through this moment.


Dahlia fell asleep and Hazel gently tied the piece of moonstone to her neck so that it would not move from its place creating a necklace of sorts.

They moved outside to not wake their friend and tried to figure out what to do next.

Aster leaned against the cart as they began the difficult discussion.

"Do we try to find the person that stole the moonstone?" he asked Borg and Hazel.

"If we do, we need to find the others. Let them know and get them involved. Just because we are her frequents doesn't mean there are not others who would help her within a moment's notice."

"They should be arriving soon. I already sent word that Dahlia may need help. I should have stayed with her." Borg lamented.

"You did what you thought was necessary. And who knew that woman would be so destructive? And Dahlia has had other unsavory individuals visit her shop. She has withstood any offense they brought against her. You are not responsible for that woman's actions. But you are responsible for what you do next." Hazel said, knowing that self blame would not change what had happened.

The innkeeper, Candoor, walked over.

"Where is Dahlia? Is she alright? How is her shop?"

"She is safe and sleeping. And her shop is destroyed." Hazel informed him, knowing that he also kept a watchful eye on their friend.

The town loved her and it was evident in how others slowly gathered around the three adventurer's once the news had spread through, as gossip and news usually did.

Many of the towns folk asked what they could do to help, others wanted to know where the person was who did this, while a few others remained silent not sharing any thoughts on the subject in the roar of the crowd gathered.

Borg, Hazel, and Aster slowly answered questions and organized parties with tasks of what could be done.

A group led by the local forest ranger, a man who protected the wildlife from the town and the town from the wild life, went to clear the debris of the shop.

Another led by the local carpenter began preparations to rebuild the shop and create safety factors to protect from others who may try to destroy it in the future.

Others helped finding new ingredients for Dahli's potions, finding material for her projects, and books ready to be written in.

Some worked on restoring documents and books lost in the fire from copies they had bought from the shopkeeper.

And a final group making preparations to go find the one who hurt Dahlia. The adventurer's did not let anyone else know about the moonstone or Dahlia's original origins, but the townsfolk knew what they needed to and they were ready to exact revenge.

Candoor prepared a room for Dahlia at his inn until she was able to move back home. He also prepared rooms for other adventurers that were rumored to be making their way to the town.

All this happened while Dahlia slept on the table, the piece of the moonstone fighting to restore her body from the flames and the smoke.


Hazel came back to her home and found Dahlia still asleep, but looking better than she had before.

She cursed herself for the impact one decision had made for so many other's lives.

That moonstones could now be used to gain another's magic was never her intent. Her intent was to save the lives of those who could not maintain the magic they were born with. To alleviate the strain she made sure there was a conduit, a way station from the magic to the person. But that idea went horribly awry when the power hungry vultures discovered alternative uses.

How many lives were ended? How much magic was stolen? All beginning with the intent of helping others.

Hazel stared at Dahlia still sleeping.

Would she ever be able to tell Dahlia she was responsible for the life forced upon her?

Hazel hoped that Dahlia could forgive her, but why should she?

And did Hazel deserve forgiveness for all the horror she brought on others' lives?

Part of her knew she certainly did not.

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