The Figure in Yellow

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As the sun shone bright the next day, Dahlia waved Aster and the new adventures off on their journey. They chatted excitedly as they wandered down the road.

Dahlia sighed and made her way back to her shop. She hoped her plan to get some work done before opening would still be feasible. Once in the very back of her shop, Dahlia readied her ingredients for a new spell. One that should hopefully make her shop more protected than it had been in the past. Something did not sit right with her. Dahlia continued the magic as she wished one of her frequents were in town. One last element and her shop would be protected from the ill will she suspected may come. The bell rang out catching her attention.

The shop was locked and sealed. No one should be able to break them.

Dahlia picked up her sword and entered the front of her shop.

A figure hidden in a bright yellow cloak was searching through the knick knacks while the spells, books, and scrolls lay scattered all over the floor.

"May I help you?" Dahlia asked.

The figure popped up from behind the shelf, "Oh yes deary! I'm looking for something you may have heard of. 'The Polaris Moonstone'?" The woman was young and beautiful, but her voice was cold and held ages within it.

"I have read of it, but all I do have is some information I can give you on the stone."

"I was looking for more than mere information. I know you have it! Give it to me or I will burn you and your shop to the ground. Nothing will be spared!"

"I can only give you what you need. You do not need anything from my shop. Please leave."

"Shall I begin now?" The stranger lit her hand on fire.

"What in the blazes of Orion's belt are doing open so early? You should really find a hobby outside of this shop. Maybe spend a little time outside. All I am saying is, I just came into town and saw your protection spell down. Are you?" The giant man with fiery red hair paused as he came to the front as he became aware of the seemingly tense moment in front of him.

"I will be leaving Dahlia, deary. Remember our chat, huh?" The stranger walked away as Dahlia silently watched her go.

How could she explain to Borg about what had happened?

Dahlia walked to the back of the shop, past the spell, opened the back door, walking out to her kelm. The actions felt automatic, as if all thoughts and feelings were taken from her, and she was left void.

"Dahlia Starchild, what was that?" Borg asked, coming alongside her.

Dahlia could not form words or thoughts to describe what had happened. Instead she picked up her tools as metal striking metal rang out.

"Dahlia, if you can't speak then maybe show me? I want to help you but I can wait until you are ready." Borg tried to be patient, but his worry over his friend made him want to go fight the woman who stole Dahlia's words. Silence in some instances for Dahlia was usual. The way her mind would wonder, leaving the conversation for a new idea she had, or when she contemplated what it would take to create new things for her shop.

This silence though was not right, her eyes looked blank, her motions appearing controlled by an outside source. It was not right and made Borg angry that his friend was made in this state at that moment.

Dahlia struck the weapon she worked on and looked into the fire. She turned away and continued her work as images began to form.

Borg watched and heard all, now infuriated that his friend was threatened and he had let that woman walk away unharmed.

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