The Lost Shop Keeper

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"Andromeda's comet! We got here too late." Borg yelled in fury.

The front of the shop was ash with a few fires still burning. The back still continued with more of a vengeance as it devoured what the spells could not protect.

Noticing the amount of people standing around doing nothing, Borg began to give orders.

"You three, look and see what can be salvaged. You ten, go and fight the fire. You two go and get a healer. Anyone you can find. And I will look for Dahlia." Borg said looking into the fire.

"Borg!" Aster called coming alongside him out of breath. He bent over wheezing with his long white beard almost touching the ground, "You were so fast. I heard the news that Dahlia might be in danger. Where is she?"

Aster noticed Borg move to point to the Adventure Shop as he said, "I don't know, but hopefully she is safe." He continued moving to the fire with one mission in mind: Saving Dahlia.

Aster looked up and turned as white as the ash flying around the store. Without another word he ran to the shop, past the mostly standing shelves and through to the blaze.

He was stopped short by a giant arm wrapping around him, "Don't be an idiot. Without protection from the smoke and the flames you would be dead in a moment."

"Let me go! I have to find her!" he said, no longer with a white bearded form. Only twice had he lost his well kept transformation and both times it was because of her.

"Stay here. I will go." Borg stated firmly.


"I'm invincible for starters. A curse I picked up recently, so far it has not been bad. I will be back with Dahlia."

Borg walked into the flames and began searching the back for any signs of her.

As he went through the back he fell through the floor. He looked up to see where the floor boards might have broken to try to get back up, but he saw instead a ladder and a perfect entryway.

It seemed like a cellar, cool compared to the blaze. He couldn't see around the pitch black room, but the walls and the floors hoping Dahlia might be there.

He found nothing until he bumped into a stand with a small empty chest. He walked to the orange light and made his way upstairs. Borg walked to the second floor hoping the staircase would be there once he returned. He stepped on one board as he questioned the floor's stability, but thinking of Dahlia he continued on.

One step by one step.

Moving slowly he continued testing the ground and adjusting his course when pieces of the floor fell through.

A few books, blanket, and one couch remained slightly immune to all the fire had to offer.

As he made his way to Dahlia's room he breathed a sigh of relief when he did not find her.

A terrifying thought occurred, 'Was she taken by that woman?'


Aster knew he could not go through the flames the same way Borg had, but when through was not an option going around always was.

Aster ran toward the back of the shop noticing she wasn't at the Kelm or the surrounding area.

He ran through the clearest route of the woods and could not find her.

Dahlia was lost, if not taken, unless Borg found her.

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