chapter 2 - vegas

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how the hell is this guy not in any social media!?

after knowing his name from a phi, i tried looking for him on every platform possible! 

heck! i even tried Grindr! 

the lengths i went for him and still no luck.

frustrated, i keep rolling around on my bed.

'pete..pete.." i mumble while scrolling on my phone.

its 3 A.M right now and i am still not asleep.

ugh my sleep schedule is now officially fucked up because of some random dumbass.

i switch my phone off after puting a few alarms and try to sleep. and eventually sleep takes over.




I wake up to my alarm ringing.

'unggg---' i strech my arms

i should wake kinn up. 

oh wait. now that i think about it, i dont think i heard hime come back home yesterday night.

i will just eat breakfast myself i guess.

after breakfast i brushed my teeth and got ready. i just wanted to look in the mirror one last time.

i walk past kinn's room.

whats that sound?

am still so sleepy, am i hallucinating?

i can hardly even open my eyes. i should have slept early yesterday!

'yawnnn~~---aaaaaaaa!!" i tried puting my weight on his door but it opened by itself. i guess that idiot forgot to lock it.

"hey can't you lock your door proper-" i come to a stop.

i look at kinn, kinn looks at me. i keep looking at kinn, and he keeps looking at me. all this while a man i've never seen before sits on kinn's bed. naked.



"get out dumbass!" kinn yells, throwing a pillow at me.

"ugh not like i wanted to see you anyways!" i say, as i throw back the pillow at him.

i then storm out of the room, take my bag and run out of the house.

that dumbass! how is it my fault!? he should have locked his door!

i grumble as i put on my helmet and drive off.


(at uni)

ugh... i came a bit too early today.

now i am sitting in the garden area with my front camera open, wondering how can someone hit my handsome face with a pillow.

i look less handsome today after his pillow touched my gorgeous face.

wow my day is going bad from the start only.

i am glad the hit left no visible bruises or i dont know how i would even live with myself.

"swadee phii" a girl greets me. i think shes a freshman.

i greet her back.

"phi why are you sitting here alone? if you want i can give you company" she says, shyly smiling.

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