Chapter Two-Joey, Kincaid, and Taryn

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Joey waited. 

He walked to the seats. 

'This is Nancy Thompson. She has experience in abuse of drugs, and sleepless nights; she is going to join the staff so that you can tell her about what is going on', Doctor Simms said. Max looked on, to see whether anyone would start any fights---if any. Neil Gordon grabbed a pad to take notes. 

'So, what now?', Joey asked her. 

'Tell me about your nightmares', Nancy answered. 

'Okay. I am seeing a man who is burned. He has knives for hands, and I don't know his name'.

'Freddy Krueger', Nancy said. 

'How do you know his name?'.

'I killed him. But he always comes back'. 

'Let's kill the bastard now', Kincaid said.

'You can't', Nancy said.

'Let's see if he can do so by beating the Dream Warriors'.


Joey walked down the hallway. 

A nurse moved her right hand. 

And Joey saw the empty room. 

'Come over to the bed, Joey', the pretty nurse said. 

Joey let her kiss him. 

Then he screamed, as she changed into Freddy Krueger. 

And Joey died in the abyss.


'Come out, Freddy', Kincaid said. 

'Yeah, come out', Taryn said. 

They were dressed for battle. 

Freddy smirked. 

'You're really sure you want to beat me?', he asked them. 

'Yes', Kincaid answered. 

He killed them anyway.


Phillip waited. 

Page 3.

A nightmare on Elm Street Part 3 Dream Warriors A novel by Robert HelligerWhere stories live. Discover now