Chapter 1

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Ronnie pov

Today doesn't feel like a normal day in the tunnels the guards are more on edge that usual it seems more panicked they are all rushing about checking each cells with a check list pulling people out as they mark off the names on each list

Eventually one comes up to mine " Riven come to the front" one of the guards orders and the tall attractive man who's been in my cell for the past 3 hours stands up and walks to the gate " put your arm through" he says again and after a few seconds he takes his masculine arm and puts ur through the bars it barley fits through

The second guard opens a case and pulls out a needle and he doesn't even flinch when the sound of the shot shoots into his arm and they give him a piece of wool to put on the blood

He turned back around after getting his arm out of the bars his bright green eyes stare into my deep blue ones then heads back to his bunk and leaned against the wall "Ronnie" I suddenly hear my name get called and my head turns towards the guards "you're up" he says and I turn my head to the boy across from me now knowing his name is Riven his eye's already on me

"What is it" I ask then take my eyes off him and put them on the guards "a tracker" one of them says making me laugh "why it's not like we can go anywhere" I say mocking the idea of having a tracker in our arms so they can track our movements

"You're relocating" one says in a tone that says he's getting fed up with my attitude and questions with a roll of my eyes I sit with my legs over the bunk "a hand pretty boy" I say and he look up at me and lets out a light chuckle then gets up and walks over to me his fingers run over my skin lightly and mine run into his shoulders

His soon grab onto my hips and he easily pulls me off the top bunk and for a brief second his eyes meet mine his warm breath on my lips and then I'm on my feet my eye's barely meeting his shoulders "there you go princess" he says making me look up at him and he has a light smile on his face before he walks off and lays back on his bunk

I then walk up to the gate put my arm though the bars and jump at the sound of the tracker being shot into my arm "ow" I hiss at him as he pull the needle out my arm "sorry did that hurt you princess" he says in a mocking tone and I hear the springs creak behind me and I can feel a tall figure behind me

"Get your own nickname"  his voice rumbles instantly catching the guards attention his arms falling over my shoulders wrapping around me and my fingers wrapping around his arm well at least attempting to as he pulls me against his chest his heart beat is strong against my back and his height is like the grim reaper to the dying lam

As they walk away my smirk drops and I push him off me "I don't need a bodyguard" I say as I face him and he chuffs and falls back into his bed "didn't look that way.....princess" he says mocking me making me roll my eyes at his words "oh please the arsonist protecting a assault that's a joke" I fire back only making him roll his eyes at my words

I pull a mocking face at him and easily lift myself up onto the top bunk this boy ... man I don't know frankly I don't care the guards here don't mess with the men in this section of the tunnels mainly because  this is where the psychos are so I use their muscle to scare the guards off every now and then

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