Chapter 3

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Ronnie pov
I don't know how long I've been out for but my head is killing me and the after a few seconds some others start waking up from being knocked out cold "what the hell" Riven's voice says as he puts his hand on his head and unclips himself from the chair and lifts himself up to his feet

"What the fuck happened" another one of the boys say the one that sat a seat says as he stands up and soon everyone else's starts standing up and checking each other out making sure nobody is dead or hurt

"You alright princess" I hear a voice say and my eyes quickly meet with Riven's his bright green eyes with a hint of yellow stare into mine and I soon snap into reality "I'm fine Jesus" I say and push him away from me as I stand up and lose my balance but before I topple over his arms grab onto my shoulders

"Yeah no you're not" he says and I huff at him then push past him shoving him out of my way "let's just find out what happened" I moan and one by one everyone heads up a short ladder and stare at a big metal door

After staring at the door for a few seconds 3 tall boys or men whatever they want to call themselves push through the crowd and into the front closest to the door and of course Riven is one of them being the tallest and most muscular one out of pretty much everyone here

"Let's open this door and sweet what awaits shall we" one of the shorter ones says and a bunch the kids start chanting for the door to be opened so Riven and the other 2 work together to open the door and with some effort it starts lifting till we're blinded with the bright light coming from outside

Once my eyes adjust to the light I'm greeted by a massive first full of lushes green trees and green grass that more vibrant than I can even remember them being

Nobody moves not even the boys , hypnotised by the sight in front of me I step forward past the people in front of me and to the point where my feet are at the edge of the metal ship "hold don't know what might happen you might" I hear Riven's voice say

It before he can finish I hop off the metal and land in the soil "die" I say finishing his sentence before he can and after a few seconds the cheerful yells of the rest of the full my ears and they all rush out past me into the woods being able to run and not being chased is the best feeling any of us have felt in years

After a moment I feel s trickle running down my head and gently place my fingers on it the sensation makes me jump and when I look at my fingers it's got blood on them "great" think to myself only to realise I've said it out loud when Riven turns round and smiled drops

"You seriously need to let someone look at that" he said pointing at the obviously cut on my head and I chuckle at him lightly "who you? No way" I say with a mocking laugh making him roll his eyes at me in a irritated voice "Jesus just sit down" he says as he walk into the ship and grabbed one of the metal first aid box

With a roll of my eyes and then walk into the ship and sit on one of the seats and he arched down in-front of me and put some alcohol on a bit of cotton then lightly pressed it on my head the stinging feeling made my reflexes react and punched him full force to the stomach making him cough and his other hand grabbing his stomach

"Damn girl you can throw a punch" he says with a  laugh trying to catch his breath and it brought a slight smile to my face which catches his attention "there's that smile" he says like he's memorised by it which caught my attention but i quickly snap out of it and back into reality

"Are you done" I moan as he stitched it my hands balled up into fists trying not to throw another punch at his stomach "the less moaning you do the faster I'll get done" he bitched back his hand grabbing my face trying to keep me from moving

After a few moments he finished stitching and out a bandage over it "there you go princess" he says and before he can even begin to tell me about infection and meds and blah blah I pushed past him  and went into the forest to finally breath fresh air

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