Chapter 2

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Ronnie pov

"Get up and get to town hall" a loud voice is suddenly blared over the speakers in each room around us as the gates slam open and the rooms start emptying i soon get up and walk out and meet eyes with another blue eyed girl with long blonde hair Cassie is her name I believe she's been here about 2 years shorter than I have

She gives a polite smile which I return and then she walks off and I follow right behind and towards the hall where there is armed guards at every door and heavily armed with suites and all ready to shoot at any given moment if someone Stepped out of line

There's a decent sized group of us here but not all no more than 200 probably even less as we're all lined up 10 people in a row maybe 20 exactly I counted as I ended up in the front so there's exactly 100 people here but there's another 308 people who are not here

After a few moments out minister comes out and stands infront of us waiting for everyone to quite down

"Now that it's quiet I have an announcement to make...the world is dying....and we only have a few months left....and you few 100 have been selected.... As you know when you hit 20 you are executed and as you know some of you are over that age.....reason being is we have been working on finding somewhere new and we have" he says and everyone starts mumbling

" as I was saying you 100 have been selected to go to this new place this new plant to find out if it's survivable or not because this is our last chance if you don't survive because of the level of radiation then our species will go extinct"

The second he said new plant and radiation everyone kind of haywire the thought of not making it to this planet or dying within a matter of hours is terrifying and I don't blame them but I'm strangely calm

"Chief frank will be moving you into the ship immediately supplies are already in the ship as well as communicating devices including a map of water holes of the area your ship is supposed to land" he says and then the guards step forward getting eveyones attention

"Everyone please start heading towards the shuttle and get seated you're leaving in an hour" he says and a few people start panicking and you can see some are thinking about trying to make a bolt but the guards keep them from doing anything stupid

"If it means getting out of this hell hole" Riven says then walk up to the ship and glides like dying meant nothing but then again it will be instant if we did die so " fuck it" I say and walk up to the ship where I'm stopped by a guard "sit next to the previous person" he says making me roll my eyes and walk in

I sit next to Riven who instantly smirks "don't even think about it I'm following orders" I snarl at him and his stupid smirk stayed on his face and the next person soon walked in it was Cassie and then another blonde haired girl who smiled at the first one "hey Becks" she says as she sits next to her then 2 boys walk in one right after the other who both fist pump Riven

Soon all 100 people are onboard the ship door closed and locked we then hear the minister come back on over the com talking about how we are humanity's last hope bla blah blah

After a few minutes the ship departs and after a few moments the alarm goes off indicating the ship isn't slowing down as intended and moments later it just black

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