weknowallidoisforyou kermie :(

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Aurora seemed to go on a vigil to pray for the recovery of the former Minister. Not a single peep could be heard, for silent and deep prayers consumed all concentration. Some of the higher-ups initiated the ritual of lighting lanterns and whispering their prayers into them for the Minister's health before lifting them into the dark sky for the Goddesses to receive. From the Aurorian capital bound to the earth to Savonne whirring high above, the Republic gathered together in petition to wish their Minister's safety.

Within a hospital room, the State Council and Prime Minister knelt beside a stretcher where former Minister Liangeon rested. The heart monitor beeped at a steady rhythm, which calmed the racing hearts of the Council. Through the bandages wrapping his face, Liangeon had managed to utter a few haunting words about his experience with the Dusks.

"Do not let that worry you now, Liangeon. You are safe now," Zenomil assured him once more, holding his gruesomely bony hand in between his own. Liangeon sighed another painful breath and relaxed at the Prime Minister's affirmation.

The Council whispered an argument between each other regarding who would be the one to gush about the fortune of his return, but they must have thought incorrectly about any dulling of Liangeon's strict spirit.

"State Council..." he warned, the low snarl of his voice unchanging from years ago. Instantly, the Council hushed themselves and straightened their posture—a habit they have gotten into to avoid Liangeon's wrath. Liangeon gave a weak cough and closed his eyes to rest.

"We're awfully sorry, Sir. We just would like you to know that we are ecstatic about your return! It's a miracle by the goddesses that—"

Zenomil interrupted, "He understands. But now, we must let him rest." The State Council nodded and departed from the bedside, only pausing to give a bow to their former Minister before sliding out of the room.

As Zenomil rose to his feet and turned away from the bed, Liangeon's voice murmured, "Wait..."

The Prime Minister instantly turned back, almost guarding the hospital bed as if the Dusks were waiting to steal him away at any moment. "What do you need, Liangeon?

"The nation... How has it been without me..?" he wheezed before another fit of coughs seized his voice.

Once he settled, Zenomil answered, "We've been managing just fine. Not much has changed, really."

Instead of taking the answer and returning to his rest, Liangeon pressed upon Zenomil a shocking question, "Who has... taken my place..?"

Zenomil tried to swallow down the lump that formed in his throat. For all of the times he had proclaimed Liangeon as 'irreplaceable,' his answer would admit that he was quite the hypocrite.

He hesitated, "We... We found a substitute to fill in the role of Minister temporarily until your return. His name is Yokhlinu Aurora, quite a skilled pilot and diplomat." To save himself from Liangeon's potential fury, he added, "Of course, once you are ready to take your role again, Yokhlinu will be prepared to step down—"

"Escort him here, please."

Zenomil stepped back, almost feeling himself stumble over. Even with his eye showing through the bandages, no discernable emotion could be seen within its slightly dulled blue ocean or in the position of his eyelid. Whether he invoked Liangeon's rage or not, Zenomil had no clue.

"Of course, Liangeon." Zenomil hurried out of the hospital room and down the hall to the Minister's office where Yokhlinu was supposed to be working. As his cape flew behind him with his almost unnatural speed, Zenomil allowed the worries to flood in. As overjoyed as he was to see Liangeon's steady recovery, the thought of authorizing Yokhlinu's abdication as Minister churned his stomach. Even with his laxer attitude, he still surpassed the expectations set for him and assisted Aurora in thriving.

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