chapter 6: Bonnie or kangaroo?

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You decide to give Bonnie very strong legs and arms but only allowed to use his strength to get to high places or bowl, Don't want any kids getting hurt.

After 3d printing his exoskeleton you place the pieces on Bonnie and get to work on the paint job and coding at the same time. Being used to multitasking it was easy for you. You gave him a purple body with a bowling design on the arm and stars surrounding it. Of course you added a few pins at an angle to make it look like a strike.

While working on his code you realize that nobody here has a Australian accent, so now you need to ask boss to advertise for a Australian voice actor. You keep that in mind while you continue to work with his code, Leaving some files blank.

You look at the time and realized that it was almost closing time. You save your work and close it with a passcode only you know, and head to your bosses office.

You knock on Michaels door and you hear a bit of struggling from the other side, And then a crash. Michael opens the door and let's you in "YN how are you doing today, Did you need something?" You nod your head and start explaining what you needed. "I already know someone who can do it." He makes a call and talks to someone on the phone and starts negotiating prices for the help.

He hangs up the phone and smiles to me "he'll be here tomorrow morning" I nod and leave the room. And I head back to my office as quickly as possible. But not quick enough. Your suddenly pulled into a hug, and you not knowing who is hugging you, and you start to freak out. "calm down, Its just me, captain!" You stop struggling and hug him to. "How are the new parts working for you?" "As good as the newest board on the ship!" You smile and start walking to your office. He follows behind.

I walk into my office with foxy and he immediately noticed the mess and Bonnie almost finished. "You can look around but be careful of what you touch." He starts looking around as you get back to multitasking on Bonnie.

"Captain how are you able to multitask so well?" "Practice, practice, and practice. Also a little talent." You continue to work and foxy sees your makeshift bed in the room, still unmade. "Why do you have a bed in here?" "Moon forces me to sleep, He made it for me." He then sits on your couch or bed and looks bored. You download a game on your phone that is of course PG and give it to him. "You look bored so you can play this."

He gladly takes the phone and plays the game. You finish your work with the coding and keep painting, Until you hear a skittering in the vents. "Hey moon" "yn why aren't you sleeping?" You ignore his question and keep painting. Then he opens the vent cover and goes into your room and sun turns off the lights. You set down your paint brush and wait for moon to pick you up or something.

"Lass what are you doing? Moon?" Foxy yelps as he is picked up and placed outside the room, and moon puts a sleeping sign on the outside handle. "Moonnnn I don't waaaannnnaaaa sleep." He just picks you up and tucks you into your couch. "Moon..." You get shushed and moon starts to sing a lullaby.

You notice that he smelled like blueberries and glitter glue. You fall asleep quickly.

Moon walks around your room and looks at your blueprints and other stuff. All your little doodles and notes. Then he scurried into the vents.


Still very sorry for disappearing. Please except this as my apologies.

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