T! Yan. Sebastian x B! F. Library Assistant ☁️💀🌹

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This was inspired by the Sebastian yandere mod and my best friend who enjoys Stardew. His nick name for the girl is Seb. Female library assistants name Faith.

Season: Spring Day: 23 Year:1

Description-Female librarian assistant dates a jock(Alex), Alex finds out Seb secret. Seb visits the library more frequently, farmer finishes collecting artifacts. The Female Library assistant is the female farmers sister. They live together.

This new job of mine it quite entraining, though Alex, my boyfriend, doesn't think I should have a job. I barely managed to convince him to let me do this. All I do anyway is sit behind Gunther's desk and clean it up when he is not here. I was now standing behind his desk as I was putting a folder up on a shelf facing away from the door. But I heard the ding, then came a voice.

"Hey, Sis. Ugh, I finally got the last artifact" The farmer walks in with a Tibia that looks Prehistoric. Oh~ more fun for me. As an assistant I get to work with cleaning the artifacts and finding information on them. But, also keeping the library part intact. Just then, the door opens and a fine looking young man with black hair walks in.

"Oh hey Sebastion" The farmer smiles to him before leaving. "Is Gunther in" He asks me. "Oh, um sorry no. He is out at the moment, but maybe I can help you."  I asked while turning back around and tossed my folder up their. Curse my shortness. I turn to him. He looked unfazed by the fact I offered my help.

"Do you know if Gunther has thing on graphic Design?" I nodded. Leaving the desk I go into the library as I hear his foot steps behind me. I lead him to the back of the library. "Graphic design is not very popular" I said trying to start a conversation. "Hm..." he mumbles back. As we reach the back section I move my finger across the shelf. "Here we go...It's a textbook, is that alright?" I ask. he nods as we walk back up to the front desk. I grab the sign out sheet on a low shelf. Turning back I hear the door open. Placing the sheet on the counter the black-haired person fills it out. 

"Hey Babe" It was Alex. I never though I would see him in a library. Even the other person turned him head. Alex get an uncomfortable smile to him as he turns to me. "Wanna go to the movies later? Heard there was a new action movie" He said. Then the black-haired person left and I waved him off. "Babe, you shouldn't talk to freaks like him."

"Alex! We don't call people that" I said crossing my arms. "He's not a person" Alex said with no hesitation. "So, do you want to go or not". "No! I don't want to go" I said. He scuffed and walked out. Ugh. Yes, I do love Alex, but sometimes he a bit too rude to people. He's just so harsh. Either way my shift has ended. So, I packed my things up and realized I lost a special pencil of mine that Robin had made me. Maybe I forgot it at her house. But, it was dark and raining. I still rushed over to Robin's place.

*Knock Knock* The door opened to the same person from the library. "Sebby who...Faith! Oh goodness" He moved for his mother as she dragged me inside. "What are you doing in the rain?". "I think I left the pencil." She looked at me worried but the Maru came in. "This pencil Faith?" I nodded and gave a soft smile. Maru handed to me then Demetrius walked in. My smile faded and I looked to the ground avoiding his eyes. "What's an outsider doing here" He said in a cold tone.

"Leaving." I said before walking out the door. The rain had let up. "Sebby, make sure she gets home."  I hear Robin speak. As the black-haired person who I now know as Sebby? Walks beside me in silence. "I'm sorry about Alex, earlier." I apologized as we walk by Pierre's shop. "It's fine I am used to that kind of treatment." He says. I looked down at the ground. As we pass by the bus down. "So, Graphic design?" I ask. "Yeah, I am designing a game, well as a side project." "Run into a problem?" I asked as we stopped for a bit right in front of the farm entrance. "Yeah, when you play, after you get past a certain point it glitches out." I looked at him and thought for a moment before we started walking again, but slower. "Have you checked for a buffer error?" I said without thinking. he looked at me shocked. "Oh, um no I hadn't though of that... You know what a buffer error is?" Realizing I let the geek side of me that Alex told me not to bring I brought it out.

"Oh. uh yeah a lot actually." I said with my confidence growing we arrived at my sister's door step. "You should swing by sometime, maybe you could help me." He smiles a bit and I smile back. "I'd love to, uh..." I waited a moment "Sebastian." He says. "Faith." I reply. We wave each other off as I enter my home. 

Season: Spring Day: 24 Year: 1

"I really don't want to dance Alex... I told you this already." I said as Alex practically drags me to the flower dance. "Why do you always have to make things more difficult then they need to be?" he whisper yelled at me as to not catch anyone attention, while gripping my wrist hard. "I'm not. I just don't like dancing in front of people. It's only my first month here Alex. I'm not comfortable." Sam walks over to me with Sebastian and Abigail.  

"Alex your hurting her."  He said as Alex released me and went over by Haley and the rest. "You okay?" He asked me and I just nodded. For the rest of the flower dance I hung out with Sebastian, Sam and Abagail. I had a lot of fun with then today but something seem off with Sebastian. He was avoiding me. Did I do something wrong? Why wasn't he talking to me. Either way after the dance we all went to the saloon But I left early cause Sebastian did. I was going to talk to him so I went around the saloon to the left and saw Alex and Sebastian talking and I decided to keep quiet. I ducked behind the trashcan.

"Stay away from her, or I'll tell her your secret" Alex said. "I didn't even say a damn word to her, jackass" Sebastian says turning away from Alex. "Watch how you speak to me" Alex turned his back and Sebastian turned back, quick stabbing Alex in the back. "Well she won't have to worry about you now." I gasped which caught Sebastian's attention but ran inside before he could see it was me. OH my god. For the next couple of day In tried to stay away from Sebastian and avoid him. Every time he tried to speak to me I'd rush away. But today, I was going to be left alone on sisters farm, since she had to go into the city for a job for extra money.

Season: Winter Day:10 

"Do you have to leave?" I ask sitting on my farmer's sister's bed as she packs a bag. "Is something wrong? Two months ago you loved this place, and now you don't want to be a alone" She looked at me concerned and I just laid down as she left. 

*Knock Knock* I hear knocking on the door and I ignore it. I know who it is, so I just stool still until be broke the door open. I fell back against the wall as he walked over to me, knife in hand.  My knees felt weak I couldn't move. I was frozen in fear. My hands were also against the wall as he walked over to me. I could not stop shaking he walked up to me and I stared out to the left away from him. Avoiding his eye as he pinned me against the wall with his left hand putting the knife to my neck. 

"Love~"  He spoke in a sadistic tone. "Oh come on, love. Speak to me" I could not look up at him I was too scared. I wanted to cry. "Please..." I begged him. I wanted to drop to my knees. "What's wrong, Love" He said as I slide down the wall down on my knees. He kneeled down beside me. he didn't speak while I silently sobbed to myself. he sits against the wall beside of me and put an arm around me pulling me closer. "Did I scare you, I am sorry...I- Did not mean to... I just want your undying Love And Affection" He stated clearly holding me by my waist in his lap that he dragged me to. I was on my knees hovering over his lap, while he held on loosely to my waist. Putting my hands on his shoulders, he kissed me and I kissed back loving the affection.

Stardew Valley Characters  x Farmer (Female and Male) One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now