Chapter 7

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"Hand the girl over" Dazai says

"I don't think so, I'd rather keep her" Chuuya replies.

You start backing away them not noticing because of the harsh glares they were giving each other. You back into someone, you try to run however they grab you.

"My my my and who is this lovely lady Chuuya" the guy says looking up you see he has black hair and purple eyes, he's wearing a grey suit with a purple tie a dark grey trench coat and some red scarf thing.

"Hi I'm Elise" a blonde girl around your age pops up and says.

"Mori" Dazai says sounding irritated, "take your hand off of her".

"Now why would I let go of a beautiful young lady like this" he replies "now tell me how old are you and what is your name".

     You stay silent, he frowns at this "Oh Belle Femme won't you tell me, I'm not scary at I".

     "Don't tell him" shouts Dazai

     "That's we're you guys went" Tanizaki says with Ranpo, Kunikida, Atsushi, kenji, Fukuzawa and Yosano behind him.

     "Y/n come with us" Kunikida says

     "Ah so that's your name very lovely indeed,
Now your age" Mori says while picking you up.

     "Set her down" Dazai says in a threatening voice. All the other Ada members glaring equally as threatening.

     When Mori fails to that's when all hell breaks loose blood is everywhere dead bodies littering the ground one standing amoung the rest.

You jolt awake your eyes glowing until it fades.

"How did a person like Dazai even be allowed to join" looking over you see Kunikida, looking around you notice that your back at the place you met him.

You quickly scurry off before he sees you, thinking it best you never interact with him after all the visions never lie.

Finally got to the part I wanted and don't worry this is still a Yandere story and is continuing just now some spice is added to it.

Why was y/ns eyes glowing.

Did she see the future, go back in time or something else entirely.

You'll have to wait in see.

Anyways have a good or night.

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