The Loop - 1

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Loud music blasted as me and my friends danced around to the beat. "This shit's lit man!" My drunk friend, Darren, says. I laugh, feeling the beat of the music as I grab my drink and take a sip. I knew not to drink too much since I was driving.

I look over at my friend, Alan, who was talking to this random dude. I figured they were just getting to know each other so I didn't mind it. "You're really feelin the beat, dude!" My other friend, Ivan, comes over dancing and says.

Guess this turned into a dance off cause we for sure were acting like it. I'm dancing still with my drink in my hand and slowly backing up while Ivan's grooving, moving towards me. Yeah, that kind of thing. I bump into this guy by accident, spilling my drink.

I was about to turn around to apologize, but instead he shoves me and yells, "Watch where you're going bro!" I turn around, repeatedly apologizing since I seriously didn't mean to, but this dude really didn't care for an apology. He really seemed as if he wanted to fight.

The rest of my half drunk and fully drunk friends approach the situation. Things quickly escalated since y'know...they were drunk so they weren't really thinking. I wasn't gonna let that happen though so I told them to just stop and we were gonna leave.

Thankfully one friend wasn't as drunk so he managed to help me bring the others out to the car. I (In my mid 30's) sat in the driver's seat. My best friend, Ivan (In his late 20's) was the one that helped me with the two drunklings and sat in the passenger's seat. My friend, Sonny, (In his early 30's) sat in the back on the right side while my other friend, Darren, (In his mid 30's, just a year younger than me) sat on the left side in the back.

"So, who ya droppin off first?" Ivan asked. I put the key in the ignition, turning the car on and driving away. "Probably Sonny since he's the most drunk here. He looks like he could seriously use a nap." Ivan chuckled, leaning back in the chair.

Now my car was one of those cars that would constantly go off if you didn't put your seatbelt on. I buckled myself in saying, "Seatbelts on, fellas. This thing won't shut up till you do so." Ivan did so and thankfully the drunk ones were able to understand.

Sonny's house was the closest although it was about an hour away. We were about 8 minutes away from the club when Ivan says, "How about some records? This silence is too damn much for me." He turned on the radio. The song 'Booty' by Saucy Santana played.

I have no idea why, but Ivan was completely jamming out to this. Darren in the back says, "Turn this bullshit off...nobody wants to hear this gay ass shit.." His speaking wasn't too clear to understand. Ivan laughed, turning around and saying, "But you're the only one that's actually bisexual."

Darren rolled his eyes. Was he really that damn drunk to remember his own sexuality? I then get a notification on my phone. I check it, seeing it was some news about a very recent murder. In fact, it happened this same night. The body was found bleeding out on the side of the road.

They said the victim was stabbed about 27 times. They didn't figure out his name yet, but boy was that some crazy shit to see. "Jesus, have you seen the news they just posted?" I asked Ivan. He nods, his eyes slightly widened as he read more. And then the red and blue lights of course.

I pull over on the side of the road, taking my hands off of the wheel and leaning back in the chair. 5 minutes pass and no cop yet. Another 5 minutes pass and still not a single cop stepped out of that car. "The fuck is taking them so long?" Ivan complained, looking out of the window. I sigh, replying with, "I seriously don't know but I wish they would hurry the hell up."

About 2 minutes later, the cop car drove off. I look at Ivan then back at the moving police car. "I swear nobody was in that car. I looked in there." Ivan glanced at me then laughed. "You really must be drunk." I place my hands on the wheel and drive off, shaking my head.

"Maybe he realized you were white." The drunkie, Sonny, laughed in the back. Nobody responded to him. I mean, Darren was knocked out, but me and Ivan just glanced at each other.

I felt like we were driving for hours. "Does it seriously take this damn long to get home? Like really." I complained. Ivan shook his head, scrolling through Instagram. We were on the highway this whole time and yet still didn't reach our exit. I was becoming irritated honestly.

I hadn't seen not one other car on this highway yet besides that cop car. I finally see our exit, taking a turn and getting off of the highway. We drive for a bit longer until I realized. "Hold on...that sign just said Corror Ave. Ain't that where Alan lives?" I look over at Ivan. He pauses, his eyes going wide as he looks over at me. "Where's Alan?!"

I stared at him in shock. Sonny jumps in and says, "I saw him leave before us with this random dude..." Ivan glared back at him. It looked so cold too. "Why the fuck didn't you say anything bro?!" I yell. "I didn't know, man!" He stupidly responded.

The silence grew loud before Ivan took off his seatbelt and nearly hopped in the back, attacking Sonny. "I SHOULD BEAT YOUR FUCKING ASS!!" He yelled, waking up Darren and causing me to lose control of the steering wheel.

I swerved the car left and right, trying to regain control of the steering wheel while also trying to stop Ivan. "Fucking quit it!!" I yelled at both of them. "What the fuck is happening?!" Darren tried moving out of the way of the attack.

Eventually Ivan stopped, sitting back in his seat and dragging his hands across his face. "Oh my god, you FUCKING FOOL!!" Sonny stared blankly before responding. "God, I said I didn't know! Jeez!"

"Calm the fuck down, okay?! Yelling and attacking each other won't help find Alan!" I say, trying to stop this nonsense. "Go back to the club." Ivan said. I look at him sternly. "What?-" "I SAID GO BACK!!" He yelled at me.

Everything went silent. Ivan took deep breaths, calming himself down. "Look, I'm sorry. But, he couldn't have been that damn dumb to actually leave with a random guy he just met." I slowly shake my head, turning the car around. Sonny then says, "I don't know. He was really drunk so he could've."

Ivan stared down Sonny through the rear view mirror. "I don't wanna hear shit else from you. I really don't."

"This is actually fucking insane." I scoffed, resting my head on one of my hands. There was loud silence before Darren asked, "So what the fuck happened? You fuckers just woke me up and won't even tell me?"

Ivan turned around, annoyed. "We lost Alan all because of the dumbass, Sonny." He turned back around. "Dude, I said I didn't know!" Sonny replied. "For FUCKS SAKES MAN!! HOW ARE YOU THAT MUCH STUPIDER THAN THE DRUNKEST PERSON THERE?!"

Darren says, "Calm down man! I'm sure we'll find him!" Ivan shakes his head, chuckling to himself. "Seriously, dude! You're really goin overboard." Sonny should've just shut up from there. "Oh, so I'm going overboard cause I'm worried for my own fucking friend?! You're fucking hilarious." Ivan responds.

"Can we all please just shut the fuck up so I can focus? Like this for real is stressing me out and it doesn't help with y'all arguing." I cut everyone off. We eventually reach another sign. I carefully read the sign to make sure we were going the correct way.

The sign said 'Corror Ave.' My heart dropped. "...No fucking way." My breathing becomes shaky. "What?" Darren asked. I went silent until I finally said, "How the hell are we on Corror Ave again if we just turned around in the opposite direction..."

I could hear the fear in Darren's voice and see the shock in Ivan's eyes. "Dude..what?" Darren replied.

"There's no way you guys believe him. He's clearly fucking with us." Sonny says.

I respond with, "Bro, I'm not kidding! Look!"

The silence was loud so I knew they were reading the sign. "There's no absolute way..." Ivan laughed nervously. "Okay...turn right this time." Darren leans up. I turn right, praying that we wouldn't run into the same sign.

Ivan cut the music back on to release some anxiety I guess. 5 minutes went by again and we run into the same sign...

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