The Loop - 6

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I just stared in horror, unable to even say anything or move. I think Darren was feeling the same thing I was feeling. I begin gagging at the sight of my dying friend. I finally managed to look away when Darren slowly began approaching Sonny who was laying on the ground, slowly breathing.

Darren crouched down, carefully examining how deep the stab wound was. "He's here..." Sonny whispered. Darren looked at him, concerned. I basically did the same. "What...?" I asked, slowly limping over.

"Who's here?..." Darren asked. Sonny just stared at Darren blankly. "When did Alan arrive?" Sonny then asked. Darren and I stared at him. "Sonny...this is no fucking time to just stabbed yourself man!" Darren yelled.

Darren went back to examine the wound in Sonny's chest while i just continued staring at him. "This wound looks hella deep..." Darren said with a worried voice. I sigh, praying that we all would make it out alive. I didn't want to lose another friend.

Sonny, out of nowhere, just starts pointing behind me. "'re alive..." He started smiling. I slowly turned behind me to see nobody there. Darren glanced at Sonny before turning around to check too. "Sonny, there's no one-" Darren was cut off by Sonny's gagging.

He suddenly started throwing up blood, shaking violently as if it was some kind of seizure. Darren began panicking while I stared in horror. I know I should've done something, but it just felt as if i couldn't...move...

"SONNY!!" Darren yelled while grabbing ahold of him. Darren continued to yell out as Sonny threw up more and more blood. Darren then let go of Sonny and stood up with his hands over his head while pacing back and forth.

Darren then looked at me. "Stay here! I'm gonna go look for help!" He told me. And he was off before I could say anything. I'm not gonna lie, I was scared ass hell. I limped over to Sonny who was barely breathing.

"Sonny...?" I said, my breathing shaky. No response as expected. I crouch down to check for a pulse. His heart was barely beating. I didn't even feel the tears pouring from my eyes as I continued staring at him. I really didn't know what to do.

I sat there with him for about 7 minutes before I heard ruffling from the leaves. I couldn't tell if it was Darren or not so I hid behind a tree. I placed my hand over my mouth and nose to stop my heavy breathing.

I heard a voice call out my name. "Matt..?" The voice said. "Matt where the hell are you?!" The voice said again. I was too scared to come out. I truly didn't know if that was actually Darren...

After what happened earlier with the whole lady forming into Ivan, I was just paranoid the whole time. Everything went silent until...

"Matt!" A hand gripped my arm. I yelled loudly, punching the man in the face as a reflex. I immediately covered my mouth as I realized it was Darren...I hope.

Darren covered his nose that was now bleeding. "What the fuck man?!" He yelled out. "Darren, man! I'm so sorry! I didn't- I couldn't just- I just thought that you- I-". I just couldn't get my words right as if I was having some kind of panic attack.

I felt nauseas, my mouth felt dry, my head spinning, my breathing becoming shorter, my chest hurting and my hands shaking intensely. Darren wiped his hands off on his shirt as he gripped onto my shoulders.

"Matt! Matt! It's okay! Breathe man!" Darren said in an attempt to try and calm me down. But I just couldn't...I felt like I was losing my mind...I felt like I was going to faint...I was scared I was going to lose control at any moment...

"Okay, okay! Let's take slow and deep breaths..." Darren said, breathing in slowly. I just stared at him before doing the same. "Now out..." Darren said as he exhaled slowly. I did the same.

We did that for about 5 minutes until I was finally able to refocus my attention. I finally was able to ask, "So, I'm guessing you weren't able to find anyone...?" Darren shook his head, a sad expression sitting on his face.

I sigh as I realize that we lost Sonny...

Darren and I head back to the car. We sit there for a bit before finally driving off. We were on the road for about 15 minutes until we ran into another problem. A large log was blocking the entire road.

I said,"What the hell?" Darren just got out of the car without saying a word. I watched him for a minute before following after him. We both approached the log. I examined it carefully to see if there was any way we could move it.

We spent about 10 minutes trying to find a way to move the log. We couldn't lift it ourselves especially since I'm injured too. I wouldn't be able to help. I sat down in front of the log, thinking to myself. Darren came over and sat next to me.

"Any ideas?" I asked. Darren shook his head slowly. I stared at the ground for a minute before looking up again. I could see Darren staring at me from my peripheral vision. I look over at him, asking, "...You good man?"

He didn't respond and continued to stare at me. Things became very awkward so I just looked away. Not too long after, Darren started moving towards me...I immediately looked over at him as he got closer.

"Darren, what the fuck man?! You're creeping me out!" I say, scooting away from him. My injured leg made it harder for me to move fast so I didn't get far at all. As soon as Darren was in reach, he pushed me down onto my back and crawled on top of me.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yell out as I use all of my strength to push him off. It only did nothing though. "Get off of me!!" I tried to hit him with my hands, but he just pinned them down.

"I've waited for this for so long..." He said with a devilish grin on his face. I just stared at him with this horrified look on my face. "Darren, I'm not joking...get the fuck off of me!!" I keep yelling, trying to break free from his grasp.

He reached into his back pocket with one hand while trying to keep my hands pinned with the other. He pulled out a pocket knife. I paused, realizing he was trying to kill me...

I began using all of my strength, managing to break free from his grasp. He tried stabbing me, but I grabbed his wrist and used all of my power to stop him. He was stronger than me, so he managed to move the knife closer to my face.

"DARREN, STOP!!" I yell, failing to fight back. He grabbed one of my hands and tried pulling it away. I noticed how close his hand was to my face so I made the move and bit him as hard as I could.

He yelled out, "FUCK!" as he pulled him arm away. That gave me the chance to push him off of me and climb onto him. I tried taking the knife from his hands, but he had a nice grip on it.

I took the advantage and punched him in the face. He let go of the knife, holding onto his face. I took the knife, quickly getting off of him and limping back to the car as fast as I could.

Darren remained laying on the ground, groaning in pain. I opened the car door and immediately got in, turning the car on. Darren slowly got up, an angry expression sitting on his face. He started running towards me. I stepped on the pedal, hitting Darren with the car. I reversed and rolled over him one more time.

I didn't bother getting out of the car. I was too scared to even check if he was dead. I let go of the wheel, banging on the door while crying. I didn't know what the fuck was happening. I just prayed this was some kind of nightmare and I would wake up soon.

I heard slight whispering. I didn't know where it was coming from until I looked straight ahead of me. There she was...that lady I saw earlier...was she possessing my friends this whole fucking time?! Was I next?!

She then started to charge towards the car...

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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