The Loop - 2

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I could feel tears coming to my eyes as I fully stopped the car, starting to panic. "What the fuck...What the actual fuck..."

Darren says, "There's no way this shit's real..." I could hear the panic in his voice also. Ivan just sat there in shock while Sonny was silent and finally realized this wasn't a joke. Sonny stepped out of the car, reading the sign.

"So it really isn't a joke..." He stumbled onto the ground. Ivan gets out of the car, helping Sonny up and back into the backseat. I take my hands off of the wheel and pull out my gps. "Darren..I'm gonna try dropping you off." I said.

"Alright..." He responded. Everyone buckles back up and we were on the road again. I could hear Ivan struggling to control his breathing. I glance back and forth between him and the road saying, "Ivan, it's alright. I'm sure we're could be from the drinks since we all had the same one." He places his hand on his head, still in a panic.

I follow the gps to Darren's house. "Why's it telling me to turn here? I thought we had to keep straight and then take the other exit." Darren looks up and at the gps. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure you are...look I've never been out this way so I seriously don't know." He sighed.

"Could be a shortcut." Ivan said. I decided to follow the gps to see where it took us. Ivan pulls out his phone, dialing a number in. I glanced over at his phone and realized it was Alan's.

He put it on speakerphone and the phone rang. I saw that we were approaching another sign. It was a sign that we had already passed before we reached Alan's street...

Nobody picked up the phone and it went straight to voicemail. Ivan groaned loudly, clearly stressed. "Guys...I'm pretty sure this isn't taking us to Darren's house. I just saw a sign that we had already passed before we were on Alan's street."

Sonny says, "So you're telling me that gps is taking us back to his street? Did you put the right address in?" I shake my head, responding with, "Well, duh, fuck ass. Darren assured it was his address."

"Well, he could've put the wrong one in by a mistake I mean...he is drunk." Sonny replied. Darren shoved him, giving him a clue to shut his ass up so clearly he wasn't that drunk.

I start chuckling nervously, as I felt like I was losing my mind. And here we are the same sign...

My mind started spinning, my heart racing, my stomach twisting and turning as I felt like I was gonna vomit. I could hear Sonny in the back, sniffling as if he was crying. "You're kidding me..." He said. Ivan said, "I literally can't do this." Darren just stayed quiet, but I could see his shocked expression through the rear view mirror.

Ivan pulls out his phone as he receives another notification about some updated news on the recent murder. I also pull out my phone which is now dead. "Fuck! My goddamn phone died."

"Here, use mine." Darren hands me his phone. I set up the gps when suddenly, Ivan yelled, "NO FUCKING WAY!!" I jumped, startled by the sudden burst. "What man, what?!" Sonny asked, sitting up.

"THEY SAID THE VICTIM'S NAME WAS ALAN DONAHUE!!" He shouted, his hands shaking violently as he showed us. My eyes widened as so did the others. "Alan's fucking dead?!" I felt like I couldn't breathe saying that.

Ivan broke into tears, dropping his phone with his hands over his face. "This is fucking unbelievable bro. I seriously can't do this shit anymore."

Darren glared over at Sonny who was shaking his head, clearly not believing it. "That shit's gotta be fake. Did you seriously make that and expect me to really believe it?"

Ivan turned around, tears and anger raging in his eyes. Darren unbuckled his seat belt, throwing multiple punches at Sonny. I immediately look back, jumping out of the car and opening the backseat door while Ivan stayed in his seat, turning back around and chuckling quietly.

"STOP!!" I yelled, trying to pull Darren off of Sonny, but he was really goin at him. "HE GETS WHAT HE FUCKING DESERVES!" Ivan laughed. I finally managed to pull Darren off of him, Sonny bleeding Intensely. Sonny pulled of his shirt, covering his bleeding face with it.

After a bit, Darren finally calmed down. "Are you sure you won't attack him again if I let you sit next to his ass?" I asked him. He nodded, clearly still annoyed. We got back in the car. I heard some laughing after we got back in.

I looked at all of them with a stern expression, asking, "Do ya'll hear that?" I could tell they could just by the look on their faces. "Yeah..." Ivan responded. "Guys...?" Darren asked sounding nervous.

"What?" Ivan asked. "Do you fuckers see that deer? It looks like a fucking zombie..."
We all look over in the direction Darren was. He was right. It looked like it had been attacked by some type of brain eating monster.

"Holy shit..." Sonny replied. The deer then charged towards the car. "Oh fuck...DRIVE!!" Darren yelled. I slammed the pedal, immediately driving off right before the deer hit us. I made a sharp turn to the left, driving faster.

I kept my eyes on the road until Darren yelled, "THE GODDAMN THINGS CHASING US!! DO YOU SEE HOW FUCKING FAST IT IS?!" I look in the rear view mirror, the deer right behind us.

I stepped on the pedal, speeding faster, but the deer just kept going faster and faster, catching up to us. Ivan screamed, "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! DRIVE FASTER!!" "IM TRYING!!!" I yelled, my anxiety building up. The deer caught up to us, every single one of us screaming for our lives.

The deer dropped it's head as if it was ready to charge and it did. We all braced ourselves, but the deer went right through the car like a ghost...

I immediately slowed down, the deer slowly fading away right in front of us. "What?..." Ivan said, confused while panting. I stopped the car fully. I look over at Ivan in shock. "Dude...your eyes...they're fucking bleeding!!"

I look in the mirror, not seeing anything on my face. "Are you fucking with me? There's not shit there!" I look back at Ivan who was staring at me in shock now. Darren and Sonny moved up to get a closer look. "There's nothing there Ivan...are you okay?" Darren asked.

Ivan rubbed his eyes then looked at me again. "Was I hallucinating...?" I shrug my shoulder, placing my hands on the wheel again. I look out the window seeing we were back at the same sign. "How the fuck are we here?! We were just in the middle of the fucking road..."

I could hear almost all of us breathing heavily. I look over at the right side of the road. I saw something standing there. It was a dark figure, but I couldn't make out what it was. "Do you guys see that over there?" I pointed.

Everyone looked, thankfully seeing what I saw. "Yeah...what the hell is that..." Sonny said. "He looks creepy as shit." Ivan jumped in. "What if that's a she?" Sonny said, jokingly. Darren said, "Shut your ass up, you're not funny."

Sonny rolled his eyes. "Hold on...since when was that tunnel there?" Darren pointed to the left side of the road. All of us look over there, noticing it too. "What?! What kind of bullshit is this!" I said, nervous.

"I guess we go that way unless you wanna see what that figures all about." Darren said. "We'd probably be murdered so let's just go through the tunnel." Ivan responded. I press the pedal, turning left.

I look at my gas, seeing I'm nearly out. "Guys, we're almost out of gas." I look over at them. "WATCH OUT!-" The car jolted as I hit someone or something. I slam the brakes, immediately hopping out of the car to see who or what I hit.

Ivan gets out too, but there was nothing there...

"What..?" I said. "Hurry up and just get back in. This shit is seriously creeping me out." Ivan panicked, hopping back into the car as I followed behind him.

We stayed on the rode, the tunnel eventually coming to an end. I saw a nearby gas station which also meant something new! "Gas station!" I said, pulling up to it. It looked very abandoned though but who knows, the gas pumps might still work.

All of us exited the car, wondering around the gas station. Me and Ivan went inside while the other two stayed by the car, getting the gas. Ivan and I saw a whole bunch of snacks and drinks that hadn't expired yet. We grabbed a bag, taking as much as we could when we heard some glass that sounded like it was stepped on.

We look in the direction of the sound, staying in our area. "Dude, I think it's time to go-"

Ivan was cut off when a figure appeared and started screaming loudly, charging at us...

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