PART 1/2

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"Capital punishment also known as the death penalty is the practice of executing someone as punishment for a specific crime after a proper legal trial"

The memory remained vivid in Chaeyoung's mind for the past seven years. It was noon on January 21st 1849, when she witnessed the death of his brother from the roof of a house overlooking the gallows; The uproars of the crowd echoed through her ears. The condemned were blindfolded, and their hands were securely tied while they stood above a trap door. A series of ropes hangs from the crossbeam and the end was tied around their necks. A soldier pulled the lever and the trap door opened, causing them to fall several feet below. The noose placed around their necks snapped their cervical vertebrae while their lifeless body jerked in thin air.

But today, June 25th 1856, the only witness is the flock of ravens perched on the tree branches, and the only thing that's keeping her still is the wooden stool placed under the soles of her bleeding feet.

She was beaten up badly. The back of her skull throbbed like it was cracked open. Her left eye is swollen, shut, and bruised. Her lower lip is busted. The prison gown that was once white is now shade with mud and crimson red. The fabric on her back was ripped, revealing the uncountable lacerations, and with every breath, she feels a cracked rib rubbing through her organ.

"How long, God. How long can I endure this?" Chaeyoung gritted her teeth against the dull pain while gushes of blood flowed from her temples down to her Jaw then drops to the wooden floor.

The sound of wings flapping vigorously fills the silence. Chaeyoung 's vision appears hazy and out of focus as she struggles to perceive the sight in front of her. She squinted her eyes a few times until the image became clearer; a flock of ravens flying towards them. It is believed that they are the omen of bad news and death, but also the symbol of rebirth, recovery, and transformation.

"Bloody birds!" watchguard2 ducked. "Haven't seen this many, mate!" watchguard3 ducks with him while they hold their hats in place. The ravens flew above them before they disperse in the sky but one landed on top of the hanging pole. Watchguard1 who wants to finish the job quickly didn't give a single care to the bird. He squeezes Chaeyoung's cheeks on his rough palm, "It's a shame. Such a pretty face" and is about to kick the stool but the raven came in between them.

The startled watchguard1 backs off immediately, "Bloody hell!" while protecting himself from the flapping of wings of the angry blackbird. He jumps off the elevated platform and rolls down to the ground to avoid the annoying creature. The two watch guards assisted their leader by throwing their spears in the air but the raven swiftly dodges it. The blackbird releases the loudest gurgling croak they ever heard and with its ominous eyes, it glances first at Chaeyoung before it flew away.

"If death is my destiny, I will gladly accept it, but please give Jisoo the strength to guide and protect our people." A tear drops before Chaeyoung shuts her eyes in anguish.

She and Jisoo Kim are childhood best friends and the leaders of the revolution. They are the instrument of change and the protector of the poor and oppressed. But Chaeyoung is condemned for killing a British soldier sent to negotiate with them. Lord Kai and his troops arrested and brutally tortured her in secret. The worst is he took justice into his own hands and sentenced her on his own accord.

"Lord Kai wanted her immediate execution or we will be the one hanged here before the sun sets" watchguard3 who is eyeing Chaeyoung's body from behind, overlooking the platform, spits the seed of wheat head he was chewing on the ground while he pats his chin dry from the drools of his immense lust.

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