Wocky sluh

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"You breathe too loud." Kaito stared deadpan at Gakupo.

Gakupo took several moments before glancing up at Kaito who was still staring at him. "I breathe too loud?"


"Bro, I don't wanna hear anything out of you, you legit said you wanted to touch my balls."

Kaito's hair practically stood on end at the rage he suddenly felt. He got up and raised a fist as if to punch him, then turned around. With a grunt he turned back around and pointed down at him exasperatingly. "You son-of-a-bitch, I have just about HAD it with you! I will rip your balls off and plaster them on my walls if you say that shit again!" He declared.

Gakupo, holding in a laugh, snorted. "You're gunna have to touch my balls to do tha-"

Kaito tackled him, and Gakupo screamed. "AHH! GET OFF ME YOU PSYCHO!"

"I'll kill you-" Kaito had latched onto Gakupo's hair and was pulling his ponytail back with force, until the door creaked open and revealed a disgusted and horrified VY2 Yuuma.

Upon hearing the door creak open, Kaito and Gakupo both peeked over like two mating deer caught in some truckers headlights.

"I knew you fuckers were gay, I told you I wasn't coming over for a threesome." Yuuma glared.

Gakupo smiled wide and lifted a finger underneath the crushing weight of Kaito's body. "You're here! We were actually just getting started."

Kaito's whole body flushed red and he stood up, took several steps back, and plopped back onto the floor. Farthest from Gakupo. "Please, make yourself at home Yuuma."

"I'm not ignoring what I just saw, you two will not force me into your weird, gay circle." Yuuma skeptically stated walking into the room and closing the door behind him.

Gakupo laughed, standing up to greet his friend. "I can't make any promises-"

Gakupo was interrupted by a hard slap on the back followed by a painful squeeze to his shoulder. "Actually, I was just about to skin him for lunch. I could really use your help!" Kaito said, having gotten up to welcome Yuuma.

Yuuma snorted, bringing a closed fist up to his mouth to hold in his laughter. "Well, since you requested so politely I suppose I can help."

"Ha ha, very funny you two. C'mon lets get our study on for real this time. Good to see you Yuuma, its been too long." Gakupo embraced the other, patting him on the back.

"Yeah, for sure. Good to see you both." Yuuma accepted the hug with only slight discomfort but smiled at the gesture anyways.

"I was really starting to worry about my mental survival had you not shown up when you did." Kaito shook Yuma's hand once Gakupo had moved to go sit back down.

"Geez you two..." Yuuma shook his head.

"Your mental survival? I was worried about my physical survival, you're mental already." Gakupo snickered behind them on the floor, holding a paper over his mouth.

"Bastard." Kaito shook a fist in his direction playfully.

"Alright. What're we going over?" Yuuma moved to sit next to Gakupo, and Kaito followed.

It was going to be a long day.

Kaito and Gakupo WWE Smackdown Where stories live. Discover now