Little Boy Blue

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Little Boy Blue

Matt and his family lived on the seventh floor of a condominium with his family. Each time he came home from school, he would share the elevator ride with a little blue boy. The boy was always wearing blue and would always get off on the fourth floor. Matt tried to talk to him once but the boy just put his head down and wouldn't reply.
One day, he noticed that the boy want on the elevator. So Matt asked the security guard about the boy. The guard smiled and said, "Little boy Blue, forth floor? ". May told him yes, and asked what was on the fourth floor. He was surprised to learn that nobody lived in any of the rooms there. After that, he never saw the bit again. But sometimes, the elevator still stops and opens on the fourth floor, and you can hear the giggle of a little boy in the cold hallways of the condominium.

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