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Burnt toast. That's all Selina could smell when she awoke from her restless slumber. She hadn't gotten much sleep last night. A couple of hours at most as she couldn't seem to forget what happened with Crowley long enough to allow her mind to get any proper rest.

She had almost kissed him. Crowley. The King of Hell. The very demon who had once been their enemy.

Twice, actually.

Two times they'd tried to put a stop to him. The first? Opening Purgatory. And the second? Well, the second was them trying to stop him from killing their friends, Jody included. Which was part of the reason why Selina couldn't seem to wrap her head around how she'd almost kissed him. Right outside Jody's house... Talk about distasteful.

The thing is though, she wanted to kiss him. Badly. And part of her thought that he did too. That he hadn't leaned in close enough so she could feel his stubble against her skin just for the fun of it. That he actually wanted to kiss her. Hold her. Love her, even. But the other part of her, the stronger part, thought that she was crazy. Delusional. Seeing signs that weren't there as there was no way in Hell, quite literally, that Crowley, the demon, would ever want to kiss her. Let alone love her.

Crowley may have begged for love that day in the church, not from Selina specifically just in general, but that didn't mean he was capable of it. Or that he ever would be capable of it as last she checked, and no matter how different he may seem, Crowley was still a demon. And that's exactly why Selina decided to stop thinking about him, and his inability to love, entirely and instead headed downstairs in search of whatever the smell was that had woken her up.

"Is someone burning the house down?" Selina called out humorously as she made her way through the living room, the smell only growing in intensity the closer she got to the kitchen and for a second she thought someone actually was burning the house down.

"Claire burnt the toast." Alex replied bluntly, earning a babble of protest from the accused in response. A babble that Selina was far too tired to even try and decipher but she got the gist of it.

"Are you two even allowed in the kitchen unsupervised?" Selina said playfully, ducking just in time to avoid being hit in the head by a slice of the aforementioned burnt toast. She chuckled, leaning down to pick it up before tossing it onto the counter. "You're gonna have to be quicker than that if you want to take me by surprise."

"Like that's ever gonna happen." Claire grumbled, slumping against the counter with her arms folded over her chest. "We don't have a grandfather who came from the past to teach us neat tricks."

"You think I learned what I know just from Henry?" Selina huffed out in minor amusement, biting into a piece of the less burnt toast the girls had prepared. "Please, you don't survive a year in Purgatory without picking up a few things."

"Yeah, things you won't teach us." Claire scoffed, annoyed.

Before Selina could reply, something witty probably. Or worse, with a lecture about how Claire should be patient and enjoy her youth, Jody came strolling into the room, grim faced and clad in her sheriff's uniform.

Selina straightened, eyebrow raised as she asked curiously, "Is everything okay? I thought you had the weekend off?"

"So did I." Jody exhaled, appearing stressed already as she grabbed her keys from the counter. "There was a triple homicide not far from here. A mother and two kids."

"Do you think it's a case?" Claire piped up, much to giddily in response to the news.

"I don't know yet, and until I do... You're staying put." Jody replied firmly, casting a warning look Claire's way. One that had the young girl sink back down against the counter and frown to herself, mumbling about how it was never a case anymore. "Cat, you mind tagging along with me? If it is a case, you'll know quicker than I would."

I See Red // Crowley Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora