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Like most demons, Crowley disliked Hell. In fact he downright hated it. Despised it with an absolute passion and if he could he'd never step foot in that horrid place for as long as he lived.

It didn't matter that he ruled it. That he'd been named the King of it. He still hated the place with every fibre of his being  and would do everything in his power to make sure he didn't have to descend into the pit unless absolutely necessary. And today just happened to be one of those days.

Today Crowley found himself to be rather enjoying his time surrounded by fire and brimstone, you know, if he ignored everything else and focused solely on his reasoning for being there. Which was to feed a particular rumour spreading demon to his hound, who was very much looking forward to sinking her teeth into some more demon tainted meat as she'd developed quite a taste for it. And who better than the demon responsible for jumpstarting the rumour about Crowley saving Selina and sending her human attacker straight to the deepest, darkest pits of Hell?

Not that it was a rumour as it was very true in every sense of the matter but still, Crowley wasn't about to abide by such behaviour. An example clearly needed to be made of any demon willing to participate in such gossip and where better to start than with the one responsible for it in the first place? Besides who knows, perhaps seeing what happens to those stupid enough to talk behind the King's back might make other demons less inclined to do so.

"Please, your majesty." Arman begged, his voice trembling as he was forced down onto his knees upon the filthy, blood soaked ground of Hell's kennels. "I didn't..."

"I don't like rumours, Arman. I never have and I never will." Crowley said coolly, pacing before the rightfully scared demon. Arman was about to speak once again until Crowley raised his hand, silencing him before any words could pass his lips. "I especially don't like those that involve myself and any personal business that I may have with ones such as the Winchesters."

"Last I checked..." Arman spat, his behaviour changing so drastically that it caused Crowley to stop in his tracks, brows furrowed as he finally dropped his eyes to meet the strangely brazen demon. "The Winchesters are supposed to be the enemy. God knows how many of our kind they've killed over the years. Selina especially. So you can go ahead and kill me all you want but I can promise you... That whore is gonna get what's coming to her."

"Is that so?" Crowley hummed out, playing it casual despite the intense rage he felt bubbling away inside him. He smiled, one that lacked any form of happiness before his lips pressed together and a loud whistle echoed throughout the room, wiping Arman's smugness clean off his face as it was pretty obvious that his attempts at riling Crowley up enough to result in a quick death had failed. Miserably.

Crowley had learned from his brief interaction with Damien that slow, painful deaths were absolutely the right way to go when it came to Selina and everything to do with her. Therefore he was well and truly able to control his own emotions long enough to see that through with Arman.

The moment Juliet sunk her teeth into his flesh that rage slowly drew to a simmer. Before dying down completely alongside Arman's screams as the hound picked him clean and left nothing but bones where he once stood. 

"Good girl." Crowley said happily, patting Juliet gently atop her rather head before she skulked away into the darkness of the kennels.

The soft clacks of Juliet's claws had barely begun to fade away when Crowley's phone rang. One of the perks of being King was that he never once lost service, no matter how deep beneath the Earth he was and for once he found himself to be incredibly grateful for that when he saw exactly who was calling him.

"Selina." Crowley exhaled as he picked up, after having returned Earthside as the last thing he wanted was for Selina to hear the souls of the damned wailing around him. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

I See Red // Crowley Where stories live. Discover now