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The next morning, not only did Selina wake up with the mother of all hangovers and a headache that could rival any other, but she was able to recall every single detail of what happened the night before. And fairly clearly too, meaning from the second she opened her eyes and was forced to face the world she was overwhelmed with such embarrassment that it made her want to crawl back under her covers and stay there forever.

Why, oh why, did she have to go and get so drunk when she knew, for a fact, that she would cave from even the slightest hint of temptation? And when Crowley was around, the temptation levels always surpassed one hundred percent as Selina often found herself struggling to keep her self-control in check – if you couldn't tell by how many times she'd nearly slipped up these past few months and allowed Crowley to absolutely ravish her.

At least those times her conscience stepped in and stopped her from going too far beyond what was considered morally right.

Though, that couldn't be said for last night – which was by far the worst she'd ever been and she was absolutely certain that her conscience would have been too drunk to have cared about what was right and probably would have allowed her to allow Crowley to take advantage of her had he not stopped her. And she couldn't have felt more grateful that he did because if he hadn't, she'd have not only woken up with more regrets than just a bottle of tequila, but she'd have gotten a real eye opener and would probably be reconsidering her feelings for him right about now.

Why hadn't she just left her phone at home or given it to Sam when she downed that sixth tequila shot? She never would have been able to send Crowley that selfie, which she was really hoping she looked good in, if she had and perhaps then he wouldn't have shown up and she wouldn't have ended up making such a fool of herself that she couldn't bring herself to get out of bed.

What the hell had she been thinking? Throwing herself at him like that? Telling him she couldn't resist him anymore? She might as well just call him up and confess that she was all but in love with him – which after last night, she was fairly certain that she was and she was not looking forward to receiving the phone call he promised her as she wasn't fully sober yet and couldn't trust herself not to blurt it out, thus scaring him away.

Crowley may not be the demon he once was but he was still a demon, and as far as Selina knew, demons couldn't love anything let alone a human and she really didn't need the extra embarrassment of him having to tell her that should it slip from her lips.

So, for the time being, it was probably best that she let his call go to voicemail until she'd sobered up completely, that way she'd get to keep the last ounce of dignity she had left and wouldn't have to flee to a different country. Not that that would work as Crowley could literally teleport, but still, it would make her feel a little bit better.

Here's hoping that wouldn't be the case though as she didn't fancy telling Castiel the truth about why he was dropping her in the middle of the Irish countryside because she wasn't able to fly there properly. It had never been confirmed that she was on the no-fly list but considering all the times she'd been number two on the FBI's most wanted list, she couldn't take the chance.

Although, come to think of it, a federal prison might be just what she needed to avoid facing Crowley as seconds after her decision to "ignore" him he decided to call her, making her stomach start to churn worse than it already did and her hand twitched furiously out of eagerness to pick up the phone. And she probably would have had it not been for Kit and his well-timed get out of bed and feed me or I'll bite your toes meow, causing Selina to retract her hand instantly and start smothering the cat with kisses for saving her.

Until Kit meowed again, wiggled from her hold then proceeded to try and bite her toes through her duvet.

"Alright. Alright. Stop biting me, you menace." Selina chuckled, curling her toes in an attempt to keep them safely out of reach of Kit and his razor-sharp teeth, that he kept trying to sink into the thickness of her covers. "God, are you a cat or a ghoul?"

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