Must read xoxo

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Copyright 2015 © by Helen Karanikki
All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced , distributed or transmitted in any form or by any mean , including photocopying , recording or other electronic or mechanical methods , without the prior written permission of the publisher ,except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

In other wolds , I will snap your neck and stub you right in the heart , probably burring you in a tomb and throwing you in the deep water of the ocean will follow.

WARNING : This story does contain swearing , sexual scenes , slang words and many surprises . If you consider yourself too young for this story I suggest you do not read it . Also English is not my first language so if I make any mistakes please send me a message so I can correct it and make it better .

Is it over yet?xoxoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora