Midnight phonecalls xoxo

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Author's note :
Hello to those who decided to read this book . 📚📚📚
I have already mentioned what this book will be about .This is actually my second book and I am simultaneously trying  to write a sequel but I am not sure when it will come out .I m a senior so please be patient with me  ,I hope you won't get bored or give up .I am not making any promises but I will try to update every week or every other week .

There will be some plot twists and is not even close to typical or cliché
Read and comment below your opinion and any suggestions. 😙😙

Also this is my second book and you can go and read my first book .It s completely different .

"That 's the sixth time he called in these past  ten minutes . Can he stop already?He is making it even harder to breathe . " I say to my best friend Lauren who is currently sitting next to me in my bed  while I am sobbing . 
She came here as soon as I called her and she hasn't left yet  .

"For starters you should stop crying and saying non sense . Take a minute , splash some water and answer the damn thing . At some point today or tomorrow you will  have to face him and you know it too damn well . He is like 2 minutes away from here and you know how easily he can come and start yelling in the neighbour. Plus your ringtone is soo annoying , I cant deal .
At least put it on silent please . " She suggests and she leaves the room . She closes the door and I am left alone .

She is probably going to bring me some water and maybe some food .
I should take  a shower to calm down and  it will maybe wash the pain away . Haha who am I kidding ? 

Slowly  slowly I approach the bathroom while holding my phone on my left hand .It hasn't stopped ringing since the moment he found out . Since the moment I confirmed it .
I let it ring but I turn down the volume  and I get undressed . I pull up my strapless peach  t shirt and I strip off my blue high-waisted shorts . My white vans and my socks are long gone and when the cold water hits me I feel relieved . Time to think about what happened . Razors , scissors , blades hmm intimidating . 

I hear a knock on the door and I snap back to reality 

"Hey boo . What are you doing ? " Lauren asks , it s like she knew I 'd do something .

"Ya know I am just keeping this kitty clean . No but really I thought about cleaning my self up . Are you staying the night babe ?" I ask her 

"No dude tomorrow we are having English  exams , you know how I am  . Plus  mum would kill me , fortunately they were asleep when you called and I could sneak out or else I wouldn't be here now . I think it s time for me to go ." she pauses as she waits an answer but she continues.
" You know what to do.Text him that you were showering and tell him that he knows how long it takes for you to shower.You can call him and talk a little but don't stress over it. Get some sleep and after tomorrows exams we 'll think of something to do .Dont you even think about what you told me in the phone or else I will come to your grave and will kill you again "

"Okay love go home . We ll talk tomorrow . Thanks for coming and I will do "

I stare at my reflection in the mirror . My light brown hair have turned into black after showering and my heavy curls are long gone .My hazel brown eyes are now reddish and there is not even an ounce o yellow . My skin is too pale as the water is dripping. My feet are killing me .

I dry myself up with a towel and I wrap it around my wet body .
Okay ,m aybe I should really get some sleep after all but first... I read the last message and I answer.

Nate_sex_machine: Can you pick it up already ?It gets on my nerves when you do this and you know it too damn well 😤xo

Lisa_hot_tall_brunette:Just came out from the shower .Too wet to answer it .haha lol . I ll call you in a minute 😋
( I know our nicknames are pretty weird but he chose his and I chose mine. Sometimes when he dated girls they would get mad for my nickname but he didnt care .)
I know it seems like he is really nice but he hasnt always been nice to me .

I grab some random underwear from my drawer and I wear only his over sized t-shirt .It s not like he is extremely taller than me but this t-shirt is still big enough for me .
I grab my phone to call him . I will make it as quick as possible because I will sure as hell cry by the end of it .

"Hey .FINALLY  " he answers it immediately and i am a bit surprised .
" Well hello to you too ." I say in a calm tone
"Look who s decided to call me .I know in our last conversation  I might have came out harsh but you know me .It was a surprise for me ,a shock . I wanted to see what you re up to ." He says . I see no apologies .I am angry!
"Tomorrow it s our English exams and I am trying to be calm ."
"That s stupid .I am watching this film it s an action film -"
I couldn't hear the rest of it .It s like his previous words are the only thing I can hear of , the only thing I can think of .Some tears are rolling down my cheeks .
"Hello are you still there ?" He asks
I wipe off the tears as if he can see me and i wipe lightly my nose .
"Yes dude sorry I was a bit busy reading some article online ." I say and I try to be as convincing as I can.
Some minutes pass and I dont think I can't do this anymore .
"You know what I should probably hang up and get some sleep ,you should too "
"Okay mum , see you tomorrow .Are we going together to school tomorrow ? "
"No dude Lauren and the girls want me to pick them up and there s no space for you " I lie to his face but ....
"I wanted everything to be as it was yesterday please dont start acting out okay?Good night " he announces and he hangs up.

Sure thing mate . But for the moment all I need is some distraction ,or some action  . No action for tonight so I am looking for distraction.

I dial some number and I press call .

"Hey Zach what 's up ?" I say as soon as he answers
"Hi yourself .How have you been ? I texted you like you four times already and you didnt answer . Not once. Is something going on?"
"Nothing ,I m just a bit stressed out with the exams and the results ."
"You know i am not convinced so spit it out .Is it about your crush "
"Which crush?What are you talking about ?" I play dumb but
"You know who άντε καλέ dont act like you dont know what I am talking about  ."
"Okay so there is something going on " I pause " we dont have time so I ll make it quick "

By the time I was done telling him  what was going on he felt so sorry for me .

"Dude dont make a big deal out of it . "
He says trying reassure me .
"Okay I wont .Just because tomorrow we ve got exams .I should probably revise a bit and go to sleep "
"Yeah go ahead . Good night love ,kisses ." He says and he ends the call .

By the time the call ended all I wanted to do was sleep with the hope that tomorrow I wont fail in English .

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Is it over yet?xoxoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें