Chalk & Chainmail by angelwingsandthings

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Author: angelwingsandthings

Summary: At eleven years old, Dean Winchester thinks he and Castiel will be best friends forever. One day, however, when Castiel shatters their friendship in one easy swoop, Dean finds himself fearing nothing will ever be the same between them again. Now seven years later, their paths cross again and together they find themselves figuring out who they truly are and who they were meant to be.

Type: Fluff, Humour, Romance, Angst, High School AU, Drama.

Our Thoughts:

This is a story for all you nerds and geeks out there. An original take on the good old high school AU, without the cliches and with plenty of references. Chalk & Chainmail is the perfect mix of humour and drama, teaching an important life lesson along the way. The author has effectively adapted the characters to suit the story without being OCC, and created amazing backstories full of fluff and the right amount of angst to create that tension filled chunk of the book that fills us with mixed emotions and absorbs us in the story. I could not put this book down, it's absolutely amazing. If you're looking for that perfect high school love story, Chalk & Chainmail is the story for you. What's even better is that our favourite nerd is one of the main characters. We love you Charlie!

Best Comment:

Thesmellygrungekid "Castiel, you ignorant sl#t."

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