Untitled Part 2

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Now ur prolly wanderin what the fuk did i just read. Well now that I've got ur attention leme start over. 

Born in Surabaya 04/09/04. I ain't gon lie I was irritated growing up in Indonesia. Moved out when I was 5. when to school at Jakarta obviously. Wasn't doin well, people gon be saying every kind of words to me. I remember my first ever fight, it was with my friend, quite the big (fat) man he is. Went home from school as my dad picked me up. Well obviously Im excited "Whothe fuk wana stay in school, not me" as I was picked up this friend of mine when rushin on me with a fukin fist swinging at me but before that he scremed "YO STUU!!!" say that shit comin from miles away. Man's about to fuking swing man the way I am, did some Bruce lee shit. Spread my legs out to FUOKIN side kick his ass. "WU PAKKKK" BOOM fukin kick em in the solar plexus. Man start shouting went down to his knees. I looked at my dad, he gave the approved smile. I could see in his eyes "I raised u right." out of no where this bich finds his inner sayan FUKIN went up started to scream as he take his final breathing form and he said. "MIZU NO KOKYO, ICHI NI KATA!!!" WHEN FOR HIS FINAL SWING. Nah bich u missed. My dad saw that from miles away, he picked me up by the hand and I start swinging like a mad man on air. then he put me down as I see this bich crumble in tears as he miss his fukin final move. Now u might be wandering where tf is his mom or dd. Well they was scared for their lifes they went rushin after shit went down. But u kno it was all gud kids fight and shit like this happen u kno. It was gud laugh after wards. Not for that bich KWKWKWK. Still remember his name till this day and we remained friend till we both moved out of our old school. this story was on my play group days.

Then I graduated a new start for me. Grade 1 starts. when to this school called ###. U think i gon say my old schools name hell nah. U might wonder why? well ima shit so bad on this bich. 

U kno i was excited when I start in this school made a couple new friends and had quite the time. Most of the were nerds. so that is what I remember the funs I had with them nerds and the SHITTS THE MUTHAFAKIN TEACHER DID TO ME. But not all of em were bad teachers infact some of the really helped me out and I am forever great full for em. But the others HELL NAH. Trna bring me down "fuk offf".  Growin up my english ain't that gud, so u might wonder " how is a multi successful artist that has multiple platinum" got a bad english. Well them teachers ain't never teach me shit so I gotta learn everything myself. How? VINES BICH YEA VINES. that's how I learn my english. So when the other kids got white fukin english, I was the outcast. "Why u speakin like that, u sound like a retard, u can't english 101, u dumb af" etc, now this was a common shit I heard everyday. Infact i got bullied so much that it would be weird for me to go thru a day without a man or woman talkin shit bout me. And if that do happen i would search for trouble. Guess that was the only fun I had. That was the only way I get people to throw attention at me. I kno it was kinda fuk up but u kno what fuk it it was quite fun. Being the class clown and etc. At home didn't even got better. I would always argue with my mom and brothers. Gettin an ass whoopin was on a daily basis.


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