Are You Happy?

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Something wet and slimy slid over her face. Winter turned her face to the side and moaned. She heard a scream and then the sound of someone running over gravel. Winter shielded her eyes against the sunlight and blinked at Rocky who stood over her, tongue lolling. She grimaced when she caught a whiff of his doggy breath.

"Oh my God! What happened? Did the dog attack you? Mrs. Yu is going to kill me!" Miyeon shouted as she grabbed Rocky's leash and pulled him away from Winter who lay flat on her back on the walking path.

"He didn't attack me. I think I passed out." Winter said and put a hand to her forehead as she sat up. She dropped her face between her knees and tried to think straight.

"Did you take a break?" Miyeon asked.


"Oh my god, I overworked the CEO's wife." Miyeon said, wringing her hands.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just not feeling like myself today. I was going to walk this dog before I got a drink."

"Eric! Eric! Come over here, will ya? She fainted." Miyeon said, bouncing up and down in well-used sneakers.

An attractive man wearing worn jeans and a gray t-shirt ambled over. He pet the dog before he hunkered down beside Winter. Eric fixed her with an unsettling, piercing look.

"How ya feeling?" Eric asked.

"Crappy," Winter admitted.

"This heat isn't helping," he said and hauled her up.

Winter swayed on her feet and tried to blink away the black spots marring her vision. Eric tightened his hold.

"Come, let's get you in the air conditioning," he said and helped her inside.

Miyeon followed with Rocky who nudged the back of Winter's leg as if he were worried about her. While Eric led her one way, Miyeon walked Rocky back to his kennel. Winter silently promised Rocky that she'd come back and give him a decent walk. It wasn't his fault that she fainted on the path. Shit. How long would it be before he saw daylight?

Eric led her to an office not much bigger than a closet. The walls were covered in pictures of dogs and cats. Eric uncapped a water bottle and handed it to her. Winter took a healthy gulp.


Eric held out a handful of Wheat Thins. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't take crackers from his questionably clean hands, but she was desperate. Winter nodded to him in thanks and once she began to munch, instantly began to feel better. Eric gave her that direct look again.

'What?" Winter asked defensively.

"People don't just pass out. It's not that hot."

"I know. I've been feeling strange all day."

Eric cocked his head to the side. "Are you pregnant?"

Even as her body went cold, she shook her head. "No."

"How do you know?"

She glared at him. "Why do you want to know?"

"I don't want you to sue me."


"I run this place. Volunteers passing out isn't good advertisement."

"Oh. Well. I'm fine now." But she didn't get up because her legs were still trembling.

"Maybe you should go to the hospital."


"I insist. If you're not pregnant it could be something else. You don't want to take chances. Plus, you look like shit."

With All That I Am: Bound To YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang