Catching You - 11

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Ryder's POV

It's around 8pm, and we're at standing in the change room at Arena Garibaldi – Stadio Romeo Anconetani. A security guard walks into the room and looks at us. "New Romance is about to finish their set."

"Thanks," looking at my band mates. "Let's do this." We head down the tunnel and wait for the band to be announced on the stage.

Stepping out of the shadows I look around the stadium and see rows and rows of seats filled with people.

They are dancing in their seats as New Romance's set comes to an end. The crowd cheer.

The lead singer steps forward and says. "Have a good night Tuscany." He blows them a kiss as they step off the stage.

Walking down the stage the lead singer Brian looks at me. "Hey, Ryder."

"Hey, Brian. You were great up there."

"Thanks, man. But we both know that Saving Ryder is who they're all here to see. It's been great performing with you the last couple of months. However, tonight was the last night for us."

"I didn't know it was you're last night with us. If I did we would have done something for you."

He shakes his head. "It's better for us to leave this way. Thanks for letting us play with you. The band and I are going our separate ways. It's what's best for us in our personal and professional lives. Bye," Brian walks away, and that's the last I see of him.

'Saving Ryder, Saving Ryder, Saving Ryder,' is chanted throughout the stadium.

The band and I head towards the stage and step on it. The chanting gets louder as we get ourselves situated in the stage.

Moving up the to the microphone I yell. "How are we doing tonight, Tuscany?"

"Good," the crowd yells.

In front of the stage are people who are squashed together in a mosh pit, screaming our name.

A smile spreads across my face. "It's good to see you all tonight. We're going to start the night off with a song I wrote after a break up. I'm sure you know the name of it. It's called Moving On."

The guys start playing their instrument and I sing into the microphone.

"Everyone says it gets easier,
Once you break up,
That's a lie,
It takes longer,
To heal the pain.

I try everyday,
To forget about you,
But it's hard to do,
You were everything to me.

Moving on,
Isn't as easy as people make it out to be,
It takes time,
for you to move on.

When it's time,
You'll know,
Just remember,
You're not alone.

We've been through painful things,
Heartbreaks are the worst,
Especially when it's the matter of the heart,
The heart wants what it wants.

Moving on,
Isn't as easy as people make it out to be,
It takes time,
for you to move on.

Give yourself time,
Take the days as they come,
You'll get by,
Just like me.

Throw away the pictures,
Get rid of the clothes,
Start over,
That's what you need.

Moving on,
Isn't as easy as people make it out to be,
It takes time,
for you to move on.

We're moving on,
Healing our pain,
Moving on,
And finding something new.

Moving on,
Is what I need,
Moving on,
Is what I want.

Catching You (Saving Ryder Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now