Catching You - 15

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Sutton's POV

Miles and I step into my apartment. Where I lock the door behind me. "How are you not shitting yourself after that, Sutton."

I laugh. "I've dealt with far worst than those man. Have you ever had to deal with an Executive from a firm. Now, those guys are scary."

"You're odd." Miles sits on the couch and pulls his phone out. "I'll order some take out. You should call Mom and let her know what happened. She'd want to know about this incident."

"Okay, I'll do that."

Miles puts the phone up to his ear and orders Pizza and pasta from the shop around the corner from my apartment.

Walking down the hall I pull 'Mom's' name up on my phone and call her. It rings a couple of times before she picks up.

Mom: Sutton, what has happened since you last called?

Me: We met Nonno.

Mom: Okay, how is he?

Me: Old.

Mom chuckles at that.

Mom: You know I didn't mean it like that.

Me: I know. I just wanted to hear you laugh.

Mom: Did he hurt you?

Me: He looks good for Mafia. No, he didn't hurt us, Mom. Miles nearly shit himself though.

At that Mom bursts out laughing.

Mom: Can your brother hear this conversation?

Me: Nah, he's ordering dinner for us.

Mom: What did Nonno want?

Me: He wants you to call him. I think he wants to reconnect with you.

Mom: He's the only person I miss from my family. When I disowned them I had to leave him too. Did you get a phone number?

Me: I did. I'll give it to you on Friday.

Mom: Thanks,

Me: When we left Nonno, he told us that he won't hurt us and that the family will leave us alone.

Mom: He keeps his promises. That's what I love about him. Did he mention anything about Nonna?

Me: No, he didn't. I'm sure he keeps the family stuff close to his heart. Just like you do.

Mom: Thanks, for updating me on everything. I'm going to bed now. I'm feeling tired.

Me: Bye, Mom.

Mom: Bye, Sutton. I love you.

Me: I love you, too, Mom.

With that we hang up the phone. I walk back to the living room and sit on the couch.

Turning the TV on I see the news is playing and on the screen it says.

Turning the TV on I see the news is playing and on the screen it says

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