Chapter 2 "Hollow Entity"

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As Varek was walking in the night he came across a mysterious figure he had robs and had a face mask
"who are you?" Asked Varek
"None of your business"  said the figure
But then The figure battled Varek then some about seconds Varek easily won
And under the cloat was Xaria
"Darn you Varek...."
"Were you trying to kill me??"
Varek Grabbed Xarias hand and then Xaria walked away then so did Varek
Meanwhile in Felden Kyioshi saw a mysterious figure that had a Reddish mouth he saw that it was Asresiak walking through then he took off his sword an Attacked Felora then Kyioshi Fought Asresiak but was Unfortunately Defeated and killed....

Meanwhile with Dan he seemed to Worry about Varek as he heard from the messenger bird that Asresiak striked again but Dan knew that Varek was a god...
"Dont worry Dan Varek is a god..."  Said Dan mumbling to himself
Then Varek Was Attacked by some Undead but Varek Defeated them very easily
"I wonder why there are undead at night they weren't before Asresiaks attack...."
Varek realized there was a Necromancer
Varek senses the Necromancer and attack him and easily killed The Necromancer and it was unfortunately Xaria....
Varek said in shockness
Varek then ran away in shockness
Then next day Varek came to Ataraxia to Tell Dan what happened Last night
But Dan was in fear
"You wont know what happened last night..."
"What Happened?" Said Varek
"Asresiak Attacked Felora there were only 3 survivors...."
Varek was in shock to hear what really happened last night
"I see... So he really is Back..."
To be continued

Asresiak Origin Season 2Where stories live. Discover now