Chapter 3 "Réunion With An Old Friend"

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As Dan was looking at the Shadow orb that he got from an Uncharted Islands he spoke to himself alot about it like that it is so beautiful and Magical and he belive it can wield alot of power
"Its so.... Beautiful"
But next day everything would Change as Arimirus and Asiram were training and Dan looked at them and smiled as they trained
"They are gonna be that strong... To defend Ardonia...." But Once Dan saw a Fellow Voltaris The Voltaris looked back at Dan and Looked Angry
Dan was Confused at the moment but the Voltaris walked away Then Dan went to his room to study more about Songs and Shadow Orbs while Arimirus and Asiram were training

Meanwhile Varek was Slaying Through Zombies in a Densely Forest
"God dam it So much Zombies...."
Varek said angrily
Then Varek Looked around and traveled into a abandoned Hogtown that was destoryed by Asresiak
Varek looked very sad to look at the town now Abandoned and Varek saw some Buildings fall apart and he knew that it was abandoned for 6 years but then he kept on walking while he saw Bones of Dead People and Decomposed people and Fallen Buildings and then he decided to leave the Town and go to Biggerton And it was a long trip for Varek to travel on foot and then after he saw Biggerton He saw Asresiak....
"So We meet Again Eh?"
"Lets end what we Started..."
"Lets see if you are even a Challenge..."
Asresiak fell off the Building and fought Varek,
Varek was slowly Winning and Varek then kicked but Asresiak used his dark moves to attack him but then after that Varek Stabbed Asresiak then Asresiak teleport kick Varek 5 times and Varek grabbed Asresiak feet and slammed Asresiak then Asresiak kicked Vareks feet and Varek tried to stab Asresiak but Asresiak escaped
"Darn it hes escaping...." Said Varek
Then Varek moved on Meanwhile he went To Ataraxia
"Back so soon Varek?"
"Yes..Asresiak attacked me in Biggerton but He escaped i just won.."
"Good news is we met someone that would happily help you."
"Alright so who is he?"
Then a Figure with a Sword with a Skull on its knob appears and Varek is Shocked to see who it is
"Long time no see Varek..its been what... 6 years?"
"Yes it is i... Haikeas... God of Death.."

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