Chapter 6 "Enderknight Ghost"

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Somewhere in the forest of Mendoria there was a Camp setted up when Asiram was making stories about a one Netheran once ate a Spider eye
"And i said No! Dont eat the spider eye its poisonous and guess what he did?"
"what did he do?" said Haikeas in confusion
"He ate it anyway and survived, who knew Netherans were immune to Poison"
Arimrius giggled
"did that actually happen?" Said Varek
"oh yea when Akikas told us to kill a Jaggathan for its horns but we half failed since the Horn fell into the Lava and the Jaggathan died.."  said Asiram
"What Class was the Jaggathan?" Said Dan
"Oh it was a class 2 Jaggathan it wasn't that strong but yea."
"Thats far more better than that one Mountain Demon i killed." Said Arimrius
"There was a Mountain demon?"  Said Azakin
"well yea From Northwind" said Arimrius
"Was it strong?" Said Haikeas
" was so weak...but it was fast it was very skinny though..." Said Arimrius in Embarrassment
"Well there was one story Lucidius told me once."  Said Dan
"What is it?"  said Varek
"About a Enderknight who was... Very mysterious this story was in the first great war... Rendor was destend to recruiting People... But there was this one... Enderknight who was bit strange because he rarely talks...People think hes not a Human or people said he is cursed...because no one known where he came from apparently he just shown up with the Armor... But after the Great war... He mysteriously disappeared.... No one known where he went...since some glacians went into deep research.... But after years of trying they still haven't figured out who he was.... But one glacian said that the Mysterious Enderknight never... Existed and he was only an Illusion that damaged people's eyesight... Still people don't know... Untill this day People were starting to call him and this legend... "The Enderknight Ghost"
Everyone looked in scaredness
"Wait... Lucidius told you this story?" Said Haikeas
"Yea he said that he found it in some Walls of time..."
"Is it still there?" said Azakin
"No.. But it is still in the books since the legend grew very popular in Ardonia." said Dan
"Wait so People never knew who this Enderknight was and they just say he was a ghost?" Said Arimrius in confusion
"Nobody knows Arimrius..." said Dan
"But anyways its fine some theories popped out that he just mysterious died but nobody knows so thats why he is called the Enderknight ghost"
"I see." said Varek
Meanwhile Azakin was looking into some Scrolls of the Shadow orbs
"Anyways... If Asresiak is Around what are we supposed to do?" Said Asiram
"We will... Try our best to Keep the Shadow Orbs safer... Dan" Said Varek
"Yea?"  Said Dan
"You have a Shadow orb right?" Said Varek
"Oh yea i do its in my pocket I found it in some nearby cave in Ataraxia" Said Dan
"Ok good...because i thought Asresiak had it... But good thing you have it" Said Varek
"Meh but anyways is Asresiak even that powerful?" said Arimrius
"Well he is... As he killed powerful pets of All father and even all Father himself but beware Asresiak may be strong but he is not very smart... So he will ask anyone he sees where the shadow orbs are.." said Haikeas
"One thing that he doesn't know is that uncharted islands exist..."
Said Varek
Azakin looked confused for a sec but He brushed it off and continued to look into his Scrolls
Dan Then looked at his Katana
"Get some sleep guys... We are coming by tomorrow.." said Varek
"Alright"  Said Asiram
To be Continued..

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