The Origin

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Natsu's pov:

Another boring day I woke up to. I stood up and went to wake up Happy, my little blue cat I found when I was little. As always, he was lying on the floor, drooling. I guessed straight away that he was dreaming of eating fish again. Now I felt more fired up to wake him.

'Wake up, we have to go, or else we'll be late. Again!' It's always Happy's fault that we get lectures from Gramps, our midget master. For once, I used my head and grabbed Happy by the paw and dashed to the Fairy Tail guild hall.

Lucy was already there as usual, and Gray was walking around, picking fights with people while he's just wearing his underwear. I wanted to pick fights too, but I got stopped by Lucy, who wanted us to look at the noticeboard for more quests with a large amount of money as a reward (she doesn't pay her rents 'cause she's broke).

Erza also joined us, and she requested the one that said, 'Find delinquents named The League Of Villains. Reward, 10,000j.' Lucy jumped in happiness as Erza and I watched her jump up and down.

She called Gray up and told him,

'Gray! Put some clothes on and get up here. I'm finally going to be able to pay my rent.' Of course he went and said,

'Crap, where'd my clothes go?' I completely ignored him and kept reading the paper. Once we were all gathered, we started discussing things that I wasn't really paying attention to. In the meantime, Happy woke up and the first thing he said was,

'Aye guys. What's going on?'

'While you were asleep, we started to look for quests to do, like always.'

'Hey, you guys, take a look,' said Lucy, 'It says we have to help a school called UA High to catch these criminals and then get the money. '

'Can't be that hard, can it?' said Happy, a bit worried.

'Don't you worry, buddy, you know I'll protect you at all costs.' I said proudly. I just know I'm gonna protect everyone.

We decided to take the quest paper, get everything ready and leave tomorrow morning.

The next day, I overslept. AGAIN! Happy was already ready to go, with his little bag full of raw fish, just the way he likes it.

Since we're already used to it, we decided to go to Lucy's to snack on something as we ate everything last night.

We silently broke in and entered her house. As always, her room, kitchen and bathroom looked amazing. Happy snapped me out of the gazing and staring and finally got on with it.

All the foods we snacked on were delicious, so I decided to take some on the way to the guild hall.

Thank goodness Lucy left early. Otherwise it will end up like, the other time.

We arrived just in time. Lucy asked,

'You overslept again, didn't you?'

'Yeah, but who cares? I'm here now. Where's the idiot Gray at?' Just when I said that, I felt something on my shoulder and it was Gray.

'What is it you said?' he said.

'That you're an idiot. Is there a problem, you Pervy?'

'You fire breather!'

'You ice boy!' As soon as I said that, Erza glared at us and we started acting like the best of friends.

'Master Mokorov said we can head off now. We all here, am I right?'

'Aye, sir!' We all said, imitating Happy.

Before we left, Mirajane and Lisanna came up to us and wished us good luck and to come back as soon as we're done.

We nodded.

Wendy and Carla also wished us luck. They said they would throw us a party when we're back. I couldn't wait because party = picking fights.

We headed outside the guild hall and that's when it all went black.

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