The League Of Villains

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'It's The League Of Villains!'

Finally, some action! And those are the villains we have to beat in order to get those 10,000j.

All Might was being very secure, because he was telling everyone to stand back.

'Stand back! Us heroes are gonna deal with this. You guys get into the bus outside!'

'No! I can't do that!' I screamed, 'Just thinking about it makes me nauseous!'

'Wait . . .  you're scared aren't you?' asked Bakugo, with a smirk on his face.

'No! It's just that I get motion sick every time I get into any kind of transport. Believe me, it's not nice!'

'Come on, it can't be that bad.'

'Yes it is!'

'Take my hand and let's go.' I took his hand and we walked towards the door.

I looked back for a few minutes to see this creepy guy that definitely did not creep me out that had hands all over his body. All Might was beating the crap out of that guy. But this other shady guy teleported the before All Might could land a punch.

Lucy and Uraraka glared at us and then they followed us. As soon as we were outside, only to see a school bus, I felt even more sick.

I slowly walked in and the rest of class 1-A went in one by one. Mr Aizawa agreed to take us to the 1-A dorm building.

It started moving and Bakugo sat next to me, patting my back.

'Why does my body hate me?' I wondered.

Happy walked towards me and asked me if I was okay.

'I'll manage, I think.'

'Do you want me to fly you instead?' asked Happy, looking really worried.

'Are you nuts?! Obviously it'll make it worse!' snapped Bakugo

'He doesn't get sick when I fly him.' answered Happy.

'How does this work? You get sick in every mode of transportation but flying with Happy's ok?!'

'What kind of stupid question is that? Happy's not a mode of transportation, he's my friend. I mean, duh!' I yelled in between coughs.

'You're right, I should've never asked.'

We were finally at the stupid building so I quickly ran out of the stupid bus for fresh air.

The building was light brown with big bold writing saying 1-A. So I guess this is where we're going to sleep.

Uraraka grabbed Lucy's hand and dragged her in to see her bedroom.
Everyone else ran behind them apart from Bakugo and I.

'Are you ok?' he asked me.

'I'm cool now. Now let's go!' We sprinted into the building. From the inside, it was way cooler. N-not that I care. It was . . . ok.

I got to see everyone else's bedrooms, even Bakugo's. They were ok, but mine was gonna be even better!

But hold on, what about the League Of Villains?

Whoa, I can't believe I remembered that.

Nezu and All Might came in after the rest of us. He told me to share rooms with Bakugo, Lucy with Uraraka, Erza with Yayorozu, Gray with Kirashima and Happy with Mineta.

Man, this guy . . .

Bakugo's room is ok. At least better than Midorya's bedroom. He's such an All Might fan, he has All Might figures, All Might posters, even All Might bed sheets.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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