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U closed your locker and turned back to your best friend. "What did u say?!" U whisper screamed as you couldn't believe your ears. "Don't look at me like that, it's not that I'm into older guys but Logan's dad is hot, you can't deny that!" You didn't know since you only heard about him those few times you were at Logan's house he was out on a mission since he was in the military and their base was somewhere round Las Almas. Logan was your best friend but you mostly hanged out at public places or your home, since your mom is pretty strict.

"Well, even if that was true, changes nothing on the fact Logan is our best friend and it's his FATHER." I made sure to put bunch of european accent on the word 'father'. "Well I'm not talking about me being with him but you would really fit with him." She said in half a voice in poking way. I widened eyes at her. "Are you mad?!" "You haven't even seen him, trust me you'll have same opinion when you do." You sighed and turned your head away from her just to see Logan march towards the two of you through the hallway. "Speak of the devil " you said with sarcastic anger just loud enough for Lia(the bestie) to hear.

"Hello ladies! How are you today?" He asked and you bluntly answered. "Uuuu y/l/n did not sleep well." He put weight on every first letter of a word. "Do not. Use. My surname. Vargas." I growled annoyed at hearing my surname in regular conversation since it was only used by few adults to talk way too seriously to me. Especially mom. "C'mon don't be mad. U wanna come to my place later dad's finally home and wants to have a grill, but I'm afraid he isn't the best cook and just in case it would be nice to have someone take care of that overgrown baby while I put out the fire." He laughed through the last sentence and I felt Lia's hand lightly shake with my pinky finger. I couldn't deny that I was curious to see what type of person his dad was, and Lia's comment on his appearance played through my head again. "Sure. I'll be there at four."

After that I quickly started running as I noticed the clock showing one minute till next lesson and I was on the other side of the building than my class.

--------- later at Logan's house ---------------

I was low key nervous about meeting the man. But I forced myself to keep calm and keep the corners of my mouth in a friendly smile as the door opened and luckily it was Logan and not his father. "Heeeeeey y/n!" Then his voice went into whispering "go and introduce yourself to my dad keep him entertained. Seriously any conversation will do don't worry just keep him busy. We cannot allow him near the grill. He's in the living room. If anything I'm in the garden just outside the room, 'K?" He look so panicked I had to quietly laugh. But he pierced me with his look, telling me he's s actually serious. I shutet up right away and giving him a nod of agreement taking my first step into the house. I took of my shoes as he walked out to the backyard.

I grew more nervous as I approached the spacey living room. Just as I turned the corner there he was. Sitting on the couch with a man's spread was the hottest guy I've ever seen. Lia was for once not exaggerating. He wore navy blue T-shirt that was holding on for dear life on his mascular body and pair of dark blue loose jeans with black belt in them. His arms were crossed on his chest, tattoos peaking from under the short sleeves on both of them, as he was watching your every move. You felt like a pray 'bout to be eaten alive by the predator under his gaze. When you finally dared to approach him, he swiftly stood up towering over you and coming a step closer since you didn't dare to close the gap between you two too much.

Then he reached out his veiny hand offering a handshake. "Hello, you're y/n I suppose? I'm that idiot's father- Mr. Vargas. But call me Alejandro." You heard heavy spanish accent in his deep voice. It was sexier than any other accent you ever heard and you thought you heard Spanish accent already. "Yes that would be me. Lovely to finally meet you sir." You shook his hand returning his gaze trying not to shake witch you probably did anyway. His eyes twitched a little when you called him 'sir'. You held his hand longer than you should since you were too mesmerized by his eyes piercing through your soul. But probably was he since he didn't pull away, twitch with his hand or gaze nor acted awkward when you finally let go.

He sat back on the couch and signed for you to do the same. You did so leaving a gap between the two of you. "So how are you? School not being too hard on y'all?" He tried to start basic parent-kid's friend conversation with you. "I'm good thanks. It's just a bit more homework than I hoped for but yeah it's fine. How bout you? I heard you were on a mission for a long time?" You asked kind of awkwardly since you didn't know if it was okey peeking to his job. He leaned one of his arms over the backrest and brought one of his knees on the sofa so he was now facing you instead of the TV where was the only space you dared to look to see him. "Yeah... terrorists, nothing pretty. I don't want to make everyone in our team me included look like a killing monsters in front of a young girl so let's just not talk about it." You nodded in response. You understood that he must have killed someone since he was in the military so you didn't even get too scared at the note.

Awkward silence spreader through the room now. Neither of you knew what to say. When finally Logan's head popped in through the sliding glass door. "The food is done. Come on now you two. You can continue chatting at the table." Not that there was a chat going on but you were really glad he broke the embarrassing moment that occurred. Stepping barefooted on the soft grass in the last sun rays made you forget all of that. You felt good. Just as if you were back in Czech republic with your family. Before your parents divorced and you were forced to go to America. You breathed in the warm late spring air and then let it out in a happy sigh.

Alejandro went past you blocking the sun for a second before sitting at the table eyes glued on you as you closed yours and just enjoyed the sun bath. Took you another moment before you decided to finally take a seat and enjoy the dinner...

You helped them clean the table after you all finished eating and started to wash the dishes as Alejandro took a cloth and started to dry and put it into cupboards above you. Your breath always hitched when he stood directly behind you reaching into the shelfs right by your head. Every now and then you could feel his warm body press against yours while reaching the top ones.

Neither of you knew how to start a conversation so you just worked in awkward silence. Once finished you turned around to wipe the tables as well, but you bumped right into his chest. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know y-your behind me." You tripped over your words. He just gave you a smirk and stepped aside. "It's ok, don't stress it." You quickly slipped away and ran for Logan's room. He was talking to someone, on a phone you figured, and signed for you to sit down when he noticed you.

"Who was that?" You asked curiously when he finally lowered the phone from his ear. "Miriam..." He sighed softly and joined you on his bed sitting down and placing his head in his hands. Miriam was his girlfriend and she simply hated you and Lia, jealousy always taking over her. You couldn't blame her you were the same, just always single. "She hates the fact your here while she isn't and wants me to come to her house, 'cause her parents aren't there and she's scared." He laughed frustrated. "So you'll be a good dog and run to your master, eh?" You poked into his shoulder waiting for him to laugh or cry. "I guess" he resigned throwing hands in the air in sign of defeat. "Oh my god your kidding me?! I was joking! So I should go home you say?" You asked, the last sentence much calmer. "No! That's not what I'm trying to say..." He gave you a smirk "...maybe you could look after my dad?" You punched his shoulder. "Unlike you your father is an adult and doesn't need a babysitter." Rolling his eyes he stood up. "Well he's getting one tonight. 'cause I have to go and he haven't had normal conversation for quite a while...pleaaaaaaase stay here with him. I swear he is a little kid when he comes back home. All he wants is to talk." He pled and you couldn't resist the doe eyes he threw at you. "Fine..."

My Best friends dad (Alejandro Vargas x reader)Where stories live. Discover now