Chapter 1

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Now that Merx has taken over the world, memories were erased, foods were mutated, and every human on the face of planet Earth transformed unwillingly.

Everything had changed. However, not everyone had succumbed to the illusion of happiness in the former Earth, and that is because one person in this group knew the truth about Merx while the other people simply weren't there to succumb to the illusion in the first place, for they were still stuck in the colorless void where every mixel laid, stuck as plastic figurine shells of who they were.

However, Merx decided to pay a little visit to one of the many figurines in the void, Nurp-Naut. Ever since they transformed the Earth, all of the mixels going about their days nonchalantly had gotten them bored, so they decided that they would use their powers to watch another person struggle in their surroundings.

While they were in the Magma Wastelands, they ripped open a portal which led to the void and then they stepped into the portal where they admired all of the mixel-turned-toys. However, they flew towards one mixel in particular, Nurp-Naut.

The reason for this was because Merx knew Nurp and Naut cared so much for each other, and Nurp was stuck with Courtney because of the transformation while Naut was sitting in the void.

They knew that Naut would become so miserable from missing the one mixel he had stayed with the most for as long as the Mixels show itself had ran on television and even various streaming services.

They held out their claws, which glowed cyan with mass amounts of power, and Nurp-Naut slowly began to transition from a plastic toy to the two-faced Orbiton they knew which was starting to look like he was ripped from the cartoon itself. His jaw began to lighten and turn green, the black on his arms disappeared, and the outline around him started to form. Eventually, Nurp-Naut started to finally look like his cartoon self again, but he was still unconscious, despite his eye being half closed.

Annoyed by this happening, Merx had to snap their fingers, causing a light purple lightning bolt to shoot into Nurp-Naut's soul, jolting him awake.

"What day is it?" Yelped Naut.

"The day you woke up after so many years." Chuckled Merx.

"..How long was I-.. wait, what happened to everyone else?" Questioned Naut.

"They're all dead. They're still alive, but they're also dead. None of them can think, none of them can move, none of them can speak, none of them can really do anything. That's what you were like when you were out." Explained Merx.

"What do you mean by any of this?" Asked Naut, raising a hypothetical eyebrow.

"I'm saying they've all turned into toys since the Mixelverse, as you call it, is officially crushing itself due to the fact that the show you lived in was canceled." Restated Merx.

"What show? We weren't in any show!" Questioned Naut.

Tired by all the questions Naut had to give, Merx snapped their fingers away, making the portal disappear and leaving Nurp-Naut alone with the rest of the mixel-turned-toys.

"...Can you believe that?" Complained Naut to Nurp.

Nurp, however, gave no response.

"..Nurp? Kid?" Naut asked Nurp.

But Nurp still stood quiet, not speaking a whisper. Nurp-Naut knocked the back of his head, hoping to get Nurp's attention, but Nurp stood tucked back in silence.

"Kid, this isn't the silent treatment you're doing, isn't it?" Asked Naut.

But he still got no answer. In fact, he never even moved a muscle. Why was Nurp being so silent today? What was going on?

The M.A.M. Chronicles (In Progress) (Collab with Artpossom)Where stories live. Discover now