Iris 2

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   Carls POV:
       This girl, Iris seemed nice so far, she has a baby sister just like me and a dead mom too. I wonder how long it's been since her parents die. Has she been out here all alone with just the baby? All these thoughts fill my head as we're following her back to her house. And I can't help but notice how beautiful she is, her long brown hair, gentle eyes, and a gorgeous face with a lovely body. I want to get to know her better she seems interesting.

Iris POV:
                We've been walking for a while and it's been awfully quiet. I take out my compass to see if we're still going in the right direction, which we are. I look behind me to see if there all still there and I see Carl who quickly looks away and slightly blushes. I keep my head straight and make sure the baby is alright.

As we're approaching the barbed wire fence, I hear something and stop, the rest of the group stops too. It's a lone walker, I decide this would be good target practice for me. I take out my knife and calculate how far and what angle to throw it at. When i released my knife it went flying through the air and went right between the walkers eyes. I run up forward and lodge the knife further down making sure it hits the brain.

When i look back behind me the rest of the group is walking to catch up to me. And Carl runs up to me and his dad follows. "That was a really good throw Iris" Carl exclaims, "Thanks" i reply. His dad who finally reaches has the same shocked facial expression as his son. "Yeah, where'd you learn that?" Rick says. "Over time, with lots of practice" I stated proudly. Rick nods at the response and we wait for the rest of the group to catch up.

Once we're all here we hop over the barbed wire fence into the gentle grass in-front of the house.
"Well we're here!" I exclaim. Rick steps up and examines the exterior of the old home. "How long you say you've been here?" he asks. "Only a few weeks, before that we've been on the road" I reply. Rick seemed to be unsure of me but surly he'll warm up to me sooner or later.

Just as i was about to open the door Rick stops me "Wait" he says "we need to clear it first" I almost laugh at that statement, of course i cleared it out or else i wouldn't be living in it. But i put it nicely "I already cleared it, if there was anything in there i'd know about it". "Yeah well, we got to make sure for ourselves" as Rick says that some of the members of the group came up to the front door ready to knock it down.

   Carls POV:
            I'm not sure why my dad wants to clear it out, I mean of course it wouldn't have walkers inside or else Iris and Rose wouldn't be sleeping there. Despite that I take out my gun and my dad slowly opens the door, us two and Daryl check each and every room, and too nobody's surprise it was empty. As I was walking out I spot empty cans and bottles of food and water on the kitchen table, and lots of them. She wasn't wrong she has stayed here for quit a while. I can only imagine what's she been through, I mean i've been through some horrible stuff too but i couldn't imagine being pretty much alone for weeks and months at a time, with no family, no friends and just a crying, hungry baby.  When I go outside I tell the rest of the group it's safe to go inside. "I told you" Iris says. "Yeah but you can never be to sure these days" I told her. And we both went inside.

  Iris POV:
          I followed Carl inside the house with my baby sister still in my hands. I sit down on the sofa by the entrance. This woman with short grayish hair comes and sits next to me with a baby in her hands too. "What's her name" I ask motioning towards the baby in her hands. She smiles "Her name is Judith" she says. "Judith, what a beautiful name. Is she yours?" I ask not knowing who's who and what the relationship of the whole group is.  She looks down than looks back to me "No, she belongs to Rick and Carl, and the mother but she's dead." That's sad now i feel bad for asking "Oh, am sorry i didn't know" i say. "It's fine, my name is Carol by the way, and i didn't catch your name?" the lady says. "It's Iris and my sister here is Rose" I said.

Carl soon enters the living room and picked up his baby sister and sat down as Carol left. "Hey" he said shyly. "Hi" i say back. "Thank you for letting us stay here, it was really kind of you" Carl says trying to avoid eye contact. "Of course its the least i can do, after all you did save me and my sister" I reply smiling. He smiles back.

Me and Carl continued to make small talk, mostly talking about the babies. At this point there playing with each other on the soft rug below. Carl and I were talking and laughing and we seem to hit it off pretty well. Soon enough though Rick came in "So I checked out the food supply and we're running low, is there any place where we might find more food?" He asks. I take a moment to think i basically cleared every grocery store in a 20 miles radius, and not to say that probably a lot of other people have too. But there was run place a remember "There's a food bank not too far from here, we can make it there and back before sun down" I reply.  Rick nodded "Get ready than, we're going". Carl and I nodded, we both got up and picked up the babies. I led him to the nursery where I also been sleeping. Luckily there were two cribs side by side , and we put the babies down to rest. As Carl looked around at the room i can't help but admire how fine he is, my cheeks start to blush but it quickly goes away once he turns towards me. "How'd you get all those weapons" he says motioning to wall stacked with military grade weaponry. "I raided a few abandoned military bases and there's always tons of guns and stuff left, one time i even got a tank" i say. "Wow, and what happened to the tank" he asked. "got over ran by walkers a couple days later". "yeah walkers are good at doing that" carl starts to say. We keep chatting for a little till it's time to go. It's going to be a long walk ahead of us.

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