Iris 3

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Iris POV:
           Right now we're on the side of the road walking, and it's pretty warm outside too. Rick, Glenn, Maggie, and Carl are here too. Carl and I are a bit ahead of the others, mostly so they can keep an eye on us. Carl has been telling me about his life and stuff he's done and places he's been, like first he was on top of a mountain, than a farm, than the prison, and he just came back from a town of crazy folk. His life has seem pretty interesting and I love hearing about it.

  "Look! Up ahead" carl shouts excitedly. I look up ahead and there's a car on the side of the road. Looks a little run down, but better than nothing. Carl and I run up ahead towards the sitting car, and the others follow closely behind us. As we're looking through the dusty window, a walker scares us through the window. Looks like there's only one inside. "Open the door and i'll kill it" Carl says. "Are you sure? I don't want you to get hurt" I protest. "Yeah am sure, just open it" he says. "Alright". Hesitantly I slowly open the door, letting out the hungry walker. Carl already has his knife ready in his hand. The walker hurls towards him but grabs his wrist causing him to loose grip of the knife, and he trips over on a pot hole on the ground. "CORAL" Rick shouts still far down the road and starting to run up.  I quickly jump into action and stab the walker right through the head and pulling it off Carl. I hold out my hand and Carl grabs it and I help him up. "Thanks" he says with a smile. He grabs the knife he dropped, and puts it back into his pocket. "Carl" Rick yells as he still chasing after him "Are you ok?" he asks catching his breath. "Yeah dad am fine, Iris helped me" he smiles at me. "Next time Carl, be more careful" Rick tells his son. Carl nods his head and opens the car door looking inside. "I don't see any keys" Carl says. I walk to the dead walker we just killed and I check it's pockets. "I got them" I say holding up the keys. I walk to the drivers side car door and sit down. "What do you think your doing" Rick asks rolling his eyes. "Driving, I know the way to get there" I say giving him the same attitude.  "Do you even know how to drive" Rick asks. "Sure I do" I reply. I mean I drove a tank before and a couple of cars so am basically a pro at driving. Rick backs down and those his stuff in the back seat. "I call shotgun!" Carl says walking around the car, man he looks hot.

I wait for Glenn and Maggie to catch up and hop into the car. "Y'all ready?" I ask they all say yes. I turn the car on and put the petal to the metal. The cars top speed was 120 so you already know i had to put that to the test. Me and Carl rolled down our windows and we're having a blast, it felt more like a joy ride than a supply run. "Hey you think we could slow down" Glenn shouts over the noise of the wind. "Don't worry, this is faster plus we're almost there" I exclaim.

Shortly enough we arrive there in a matter of minutes. We get out of the car and get our empty bags. "That was so much fun Iris!" Carl says with a huge smile on his pretty boy face. "I know right!" i smile "on our way back you can drive if you want" I say. "That would be great, except I don't know how to drive" his smile slowly fading away. "Don't worry, I'll teach ya! There's nothing to it" I say. "Really? Great! Thank you" he says his smile returning. "No problem!" I smile back.

We start walking up the street to where it says food bank. The doors are closed from the inside so we're forced to break down the doors. There's not many walkers on the street, which is a good thing. Glenn and Maggie go inside and clear it before we all go in. A lot of the food that came in boxes at the front were gone. I start walking to the back and there it was, shelves and shelves of canned food and boxes full of water bottles. Smiles appear on everyone's faces while stuffing out bags with food. Once mine is full i go to the back counter and check some of the cabinets below. I find a full pack of cigarettes hiding at the bottom. I look around to make sure nobodies looking and I quickly stuff it into my pocket. I stand up and keep looking around. On top of another counter i find a box full of candy bars! Man I has not had those in a while. I grab them and start looking for Carl, hopefully he'll like them. I find him stuffing the last of the cans into his bag. "Hey Carl! Look at what I found" I say. He turns towards me looking at what I have. "No way, Candy Bars!" he exclaims. "Yep! Help yourself" i say holding up the box, he grabs a few and stuffs it into his bag. And we immediately started munching on them.

We walk out the store where we find the others. "Hey guys, me and Glenn are going to see if there's anything left at the gun store across the street" Maggie says. "Alright" Carl says. "Be careful" I shout. Carl and I walk down to the car. Rick is already packing stuff into the trunk of the car. "The cat is running low on fuel we need to haul it to a gas station or something." Rick starts to say. "I'm pretty sure there's a gas station not too far from here, just around the block." I reply. With that we hope into the car and I start driving to the gas station.

Once we arrive Rick gets out and directs Carl and I to stay in the car while he pumps gas. "Sorry about my dad" Carl says once he knows his dad couldn't hear him. "What do you mean?" I question. "He could be over protective a lot of the time" he says. "Oh, I don't mind at all, he's a really good guy and he's only protective because he loves you and your sister a lot" I reply. He smiles at me and puts his hand down by the center console where my hand was. We we're about to touch hands and maybe even hold hands but Rick knocks on the window saying he's done with the gas which causes both Carl and I to flinch. Damn it we were so close, I really like Carl and I hope more times like that could happen.

We drive back and find Maggie and Glenn waiting for us with a couple of guns in there hands. Rick gets out of the car to help the two pack the guns and bags away in the trunk. "Quick" I say "let's change seats" we open the car doors and run out and switched. Now Carl is in the drivers seat and i'm in the passenger. "Alright" carl says "so how do i drive" He says gripping his hands on the steering wheel. "First put the keys in and turn, than put the stick in 'D' which stands for drive, make sure to keep your foot on the break which is on your left and gas pedal is on your right, and that's basically it" I say quickly. He does everything I say perfectly.

Soon enough Glenn, Maggie, and Rick go in the back seat. "Ready?" Carl says looking at the passengers behind him.  "Carl! What the hell are you doing there" Rick scolds him. "what does it look like i'm doing, am going to drive us back" he replies sharply. "No your not, you don't even know how to drive yet" Rick replies hastily. "Well I do now! Iris taught me" he protests back. "In what time?" Rick says even more mad. "just now" carl replies sassily. "In what, 10 seconds? plus no offense but Iris isn't the best at driving." Rick says making some good points. "What?! She's a great driver, plus am a fast learner, just you wait and see" he says eyeing his dad. "fine" Rick says stump, knowing Carl wasn't going to give up on this. He puts the car in drive and slowly takes his foot off the break. He slowly starts to speed up till reaching max speed and rolling down the windows. "Woo hoo!" he shouts out the window clearly having a blast. I slightly stick my head out the window, enjoying the breeze going through my hair. And soon enough we were back at the house with hours of sunlight left.

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