Iris 4

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Carl POV:
         We just got back to the house and luckily no one got hurt this time. I'm really enjoy spending time with Iris she's funny, nice, and so pretty, you might even say I love her? No i can't , i only just met her, but i feel like we have some sort of connection. But whatever, she probably doesn't feel the same way.

Iris POV:
         We just got from a supply run, and who knew it could be so fun. I unload the car and bring the stuff back into the house. When I enter the house i see Carol and Tyrees taking care of the babies. I thank them and hugged my baby sister, thankful she's alive. I looked around the house to see if there's anything else I can. I noticed it was quite cold inside and there's was an empty fire place begging to be lit. I needed to collect some fire wood. As i was walking out the door a felt a hand on my shoulder stopping me. "Iris, where are you going?" I hear someone ask. I turn around and it was Carl. "I'm going out to collect fire wood, it's cold inside" i reply. "I'm coming with you". "you sure carl? I don't want you getting hurt out there" I really want Carl to be safe, even though we just met I care for him, a lot.  "Well, I can't let you go out there by yourself.". "Alright than" i smile, picking up an automatic gun, just in case. Maybe Carl coming wouldn't be a bad thing, I mean me and him get to spend more time with each other.
            Out in the woods, the temperature is dropping by the minute it's chilly. Carl and I both got a good bundle of logs and sticks. "you think we should go back now?" Carl asks his face basically covered with the pile of wood in his hand. "Yeah it's gonna get dark soon". As Carl and I were walking back we both stop in our tracks when we here leaves crunching behind us. We look back and there's was a few walkers behind us. We make a run for it, dropping some of the wood along the way. When we made it to the property we drop our pile of wood and take out our guns hanging off our backs. But by the time we look back there's a mini herd of them. At lease a dozen maybe more. We quickly fire at them, killing multiple at a time. Soon the others hear the noise and come rushing to us. As one was coming closer to me I ran out of ammo. Shit! I take out my knife ready for the attack, than suddenly and arrow came flying out of no where and bashed the skull. It was Darly! Boy am i glad to see him. It seems that more and more walkers are coming out of the woods. We've must of attracted every walker around, with those load ass guns. Carl and I continue to stab every walker that comes in our way. Eventually there all dead and we're stuck with a big pile of dirty dead walkers.
"Jesus, Carl are you alright?" Rick asks his son. "Yeah dad am fine" he remarks. Luckily this time nobody got hurt, but it was still a close call. We all go back into the house thankful no one's hurt. Carl and I finished collecting the fire wood we dropped and put it by the fire place. I start to light the fire making the whole room warm up soon after.
I help out making dinner with the rest of the group. We have an abundance of food and good drink. "If i may have everyone's attention" Rick started to say as he stood up "I would just like to thank Iris for letting us stay, and for her kindness and hospitality!" Everyone than said Cheers and drank there drink and i got a few pats on the back.
Once I finished eating, I got up and fed Rose than put her to bead. I could tell the sun was going down because it was producing a beautiful orange-pink color through the window. I decided to go get a better view of it. I quietly slipped out of the house making sure no one noticed me, or I hope no one did.
I climb a tree on the side of the house and go on the roof. I sit on the flat part of the roof pointing in the direction of the sunset. I look to see if anyones around, thank I take out the box of cigarettes I got earlier and started smoking. I don't really know why I smoke though, I mean i know it's bad for your health and stuff but at the same time it calms my nerves down a bit and makes it seem so everything was normal.
Than only a few minutes later Carl comes out from the house and starts to look around. What is he looking for? Me? "Iris!" he yells. He's calling for me? Why me though? Butterflies form inside my stomach and my heart races. "Up here" I shout back. He turns around and looks up. "There you are! How'd you get up there?" he asks. "I climbed up the tree" I said pointing to the tree slightly leaning on the house. He starts climbing up on roof and I sit there waiting for him. He's so sweet.
Once he finally climbs up he asks what am doing up here. "Watching the sunset" I say still looking at it slowly go down into the horizon. "and smoking?" he says almost in an angry tone. Shit! I completely forgot about that. Is he going to get mad at me? Is he going to tell? Is he not going to like me anymore, if he even likes me. I freeze and don't say anything. I just take another drag and continue to watch the sunset. "why" Carl asks this time in a more worried voice. I look down shameful of myself "I'm not sure, its just a bad habit I picked up, I guess" I say kind of quietly flicking the ash of my cigarette and off the roof. "Well don't, it's not good for you" Carl says grabbing the cigarette out of my mouth and throwing it off the roof. I almost yell at him but I don't. He cares about me, or at least cares enough to not want me to smoke. "sorry" i say regretfully. I'm still kinda of looking down, too shameful to make eye contact with him. Than I feel a gentle hand on my face making me look to Carl. Oh my god is he hot, I look into his beautiful eyes, which are starting right back at me. "Promise me you'll stop, please, for me" Carl says. I want to kiss him so much right now but I can't. As much as I want to say Yes anything for you Carl, I don't. Because he probably doesn't even like me a little. "Why do you even care" I say. "B-because I love you Iris! Ever since I laid eyes on you, it was like love at first sight! Your so beautiful and I couldn't live with myself if something ever happened to you" Carls face turns red and he looks away. I'm sitting there shocked. I can't believe he feels the same way! "Carl, I love you too" I say still looking at me. He turns towards me and put his hand on my shoulder. We slowly lean in till we touch foreheads. Than we finally kissed! It was perfect. Everything about him was perfect. And i loved him, and he loves me! After a few seconds we stop kissing and look at the sunset together. We hold hands for the rest of the time and lean my head on his shoulder while he leans towards me. And for that moment everything seemed so perfect that you forget all about the crazy stuff that has happened. I felt so safe with him. Hopefully I never loose him, never ever.

(Sorry if it's bad this is only my first one!)
And if y'all have any suggestions feel free to share them/ or if there's a character you want me to do or something am pretty much open to anything but no smut.

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