The Scourge's Fury Pt2

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Bino was surrounded by his wives and Ex-wife in a middle of a battlefield

Chisato: You have some explaining Bino

Bino: How did you find that quick

Carmen: I place a tracker on you while you're not looking

Bino: -_- figures

Someone coming at their position

Raitla: Well well have enough traitor

Raitla looked at Bino and his wives that she didn't and she turned to the left and saw Emma and this turned calm into rage

Raitla: YOU *she charged at her*

Emma: Me

Bino block Raitla's sword

Bino: *exhausted* Thats was close

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Bino: *exhausted* Thats was close

Aguilera pushed her back with a force punch

Emma: es que esa chica esta loca (Is that girl is crazy)

Aguilera: quien es esa perra (Who is that B#$$h)

Bino: *in pain* Well first of language young lady and second that's you older sister and Emma that crazy girl is our daughter

They turned in shocked

Everyone: WHAT

Emma: Luna how, how did she become this

Bino:  Apparently my old master revived her along with Miyuki and Marie

Aguilera: So you're saying she's my eldest sibling after me

Bino: yes

Aguilera walked to her father and punch him in the gut and Chisato was surprised and proud of her

Bino: *in pain* Why would you do that to your father

Aguilera:  You owe her so many birthdays present

Bino: Fine I do that when we stop them

Raitla: I know you B#$%h after all these years I finally have my revenge for abandoning me and making father disappear

Aguilera and her siblings walk behind her father and Emma and Raitla look down and saw them

Aguilera: So you must Luna, it's a pleasure to meet *bow* Elder sister, My name is Aguilera Maria Rose Hasagawa Maruchinesu Mode, I'm the second eldest daughter after you

Olteca: My name is Olteca Roberto Leon Hasagawa Maruchinesu Mode the first son

Miyu: Miyu Elizabeth Jennifer Naruse Maruchinesu Mode I'm the third youngest daughter

Maya: Maya Fabiola Anayeli Ciseneros Maruchinesu Mode I'm the fourth youngest daughter it's a pleasure and we hope we get along

Raitla was shocked that her father was been replaced her with these four and Aguilera was the second eldest which makes her pissed and laugh

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