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Remus' POV

I could tell when James and Regulus were together and when they split. The stolen glances between them and smiling at eachother when they thought nobody else was looking, was gone. I could also tell that it was an ugly split because the air was tense and they wouldn't look at eachother. So, when Sirius told me what Regulus had said to him I knew why.

The next day

James and I are taking a walk together because I needed to talk to him alone. "James, I-" I begin. "Uh oh, whatever you think I did, it was Peter" James says quickly cutting me off. "No, it wasn't P-" I begin again before once again being cut off. "Oh well then it was...uh...Andy?" He says, trying to place blame on Andromeda.

"No, it wasn't. I don't know what you did that you're trying to place blame on someone else but we will get to that later. I know that you and Reggie were together and that it ended ugly. From what Sirius had told me about why Reg was crying I also know what you said to him. Don't worry, I haven't and won't tell Sirius. That's your job. However," I pause as I pull him into a dark alleyway and hold my wand to his throat "if you tell either of those two or Andy that they are like their family again then so help me I will hex you until you meet Merlin. Do I make myself understood?" I threaten and he nods, afraid. I put my wand away and give a slight nod, "good."

2 days later
Nobody's pov

Remus hadn't given any hints as to whose birthday party they were going to play but had made sure the band dressed their best. Sirius had been trying to get hints from Remus any possible way he could think of but Remus wouldn't budge. Andromeda knew she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret so she had been doing her best to avoid the band. James and Regulus still weren't talking much but the tension between them had been quickly fading away.

Regulus' POV

"Please, baby, just one hint" Sirius begs Remus for what was probably the millionth time just today. "You'll see after we get there" Remus sighs, tired of being pestered with Sirius and James asking for hints. "Now get in the damn car before we leave your ass here so you'll never find out" I interject catching Sirius' attention. "Fiiine" Sirius whines as he gets in.

Within 3 hours we're there and setting up when a woman walks up to us. "Awesome, you guys are here already. The birthday boy should be here in about two hours. Will that be enough time to set up and do all that you need before he gets here?" She asks, I just assume she's a friend of who's party we're playing. The rest of the guys affirm that it should be enough time and while they're talking to her I just start looking around.

There's a bar but there's also a ferris wheel. There's a pinyata but also burlesque dancers. This looks like a party Sirius would die for. Whoever is paying for this must have saved forever, there's no way all of this didn't cost a fortune. Hell there's even bumper carts.

2 hours later

We're standing on stage waiting for our cue when a really nice car pulls up. We get our cue, which is really just the woman who spoke to the band earlier giving us a thumbs up. We start off our set with our favorite song, Don't Fear The Reaper, before we see who's party it is.

David. Fucking. Bowie.

As we play I look over at Sirius who's going more over the top than he usually does. Which is saying something considering he once broke his rib trying to impress a crowd. Bowie is led to infront of the stage so he can watch our set.

As soon as our set is done Sirius and James jump offstage and meet Bowie. I just sat on the edge of the stage watching them, sure I liked his music but he isn't his music. I loved that Sirius was getting to meet his idol, he deserved it. One of Bowie's friends walks up to and sits beside me.

"Hello, I'm Regulus. Regulus Black" I introduce myself, holding my hand out for him to shake. "Hey I'm Gary, Gary Oldman" he laughs before continuing "I actually know you. Well I know of you." I sigh closing my eyes, "let me guess." "Yeah, I know of you because of your parents. Well, more accurately I know of you and your brother because of how brave you two are. You two are insanely brave to leave what your family planned of you" he says with a smile. "Wait really?" I ask, unsure if it's a trap. Surely nobody actually knows what we did. And worse, if he knows where I am then my parents might too. "Yes, oh but don't worry. I'm the only one who knows who you are. Everyone else aside from you guys are muggles. Your secret is safe with me" he says, trying to reassure me.

I decide to believe him but decide to introduce myself to the birthday man. I get down and go up to him but before I say anything he does. "Well hello to you, handsome" Bowie says, trying to start flirting. "Oh, hello. I'm Regulus Black, but you can call me anything you'd like" I say holding my hand out, flirting in turn. "Oh I like you" he begins before taking my hand and kissing it "shall we take this somewhere private?" "I would love to" I say with a smirk and lead him away.

Sirius' POV

"Is my brother going to hook up with my idol? Is he going to sleep with David Bowie?" I panic to James.

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