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Regulus and Sirius get to the apartment they share together at the same time. They walked together in silence despite both having many things they want to say. Once in the apartment, the brothers sit together on the couch waiting for the other to start.

"I need to tell you something but you can't tell anyone, not even Remus or James" Regulus says after a minute. "Of course, you know that if you don't want me to say anything then I won't. What's wrong, Reggie?" Sirius asks, both of them questioning if he would actually be able to keep the promise. "So, as you know I haven't had bottom surgery. Well..I just got out of the doctor's office...they think I'm pregnan-" Regulus starts to explain before being cut off. "MY BABY BROTHER IS PREGNANT???" Sirius yells excitedly. "Well we won't know for sure until the test comes back" Regulus says, trying to calm Sirius down. "I'm gonna be an aunt or an uncle?" Sirius asks hopeful. "You would be an uncle, you're a guy...as far as you've said" Regulus says, trying not to laugh. "Oh my god, I'm gonna be an uncle" Sirius says as he starts bouncing on the couch.

A few days later
Regulus' POV

Doctor's office

Hello, is this Mr.Black?
What's the first name on the account?
The full name on the account is Regulus Arcturus Black
Yes, that's me
Alright, I need your date of birth and last four of your social security number.
June 25, 1951, 9791
Alright, Mr.Black. Your results for the pregnancy test you had done are ready. Would you like to set up an appointment for you to come in?
Oh, yeah, that would be good
Alright, the next time that we have open is tomorrow at 12:45. Does that time and day work for you?
Yeah, schedule me then. I'll be there
Awesome, I have your appointment set. Are there any questions?
No, no questions.
Alright, have a good day
You too

I hung up and began hyperventilating. 'Keep calm, Regulus, keep calm' I think to myself, trying my best to calm myself down. I still wasn't sure whether or not I wanted a child in the first place.

I looked over at my brother to see that he was still excitedly planning to be the uncle we never had. "Sirius...I don't know if I am or even want to be pregnant. David doesn't know either. He has two already, what if he doesn't want more? What if I turn out to give our child the same trauma we have?" I say, starting to ramble out my worries. Sirius pulls me into a hug and says, "if you choose to be a parent then I know that you will be the greatest dad there has ever or will ever be. If David doesn't want another child then he can get fucked but I will be here for you. Anytime you need me I'll be right here, no matter what. Just as I've always been."

I pull away a little so I can look at him, "are you sure?" He wipes away a few of my tears, "I've never been more sure."

Next day

Sirius had agreed to go with me to the doctor's appointment and the test had come back positive. I haven't been able to say a word since the doctor confirmed the pregnancy. I had so many thoughts running through my mind, none of them good. All of them full of worry.

Sirius' POV

I haven't seen Regulus this worried since he had gotten top surgery, straight against our parents' wishes. He was beyond anyone being able to help him calm down. I just make sure to keep an eye on him, making sure Regulus doesn't do anything bad to himself.

I hated myself for my happiness and excitement for my future of being an uncle. I was even more excited that I would be the uncle of a child who's father was David Bowie. I hide away my own feelings, not even allowing my worry for my brother to shine through.

I sit beside my brother, who was currently curled in a tight ball and crying. "Would you like me to call David Bowie? I can tell him if you want" I gently ask. Regulus finally looks at me after a few long moments, fear and gratefulness in his eyes. "You'd do that for me" Regulus shakily whispers out. I smile reassuringly "absolutely, anything you want or need." When he nods, I get up and go to the kitchen to call David Bowie.


Hello? Who is this?
Regulus' brother, Sirius
Oh, okay. Is he alright? What happened at the doctor's?
Well, I guess I should go ahead and rip it off like a band-aid?
Okay, go ahead
Well, good news or bad news?
Stop stalling
Okay...well my brother is pregnant
Oh...is it- is it mine?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Well? Is it?
Yes, you're the father
He's having a breakdown, I think he needs you right now
I can't....
Okay, well when is the soonest you'll be able to see him?
Sirius... *He sighs*
Don't you dare tell me you're about to leave him
I can't have another kid
You truly are a prick
I know, I'm sorry. Tell him that
No, tell him yourself. You won't break it off over the phone.
I can't...

I'm so angry by the time I get off the phone, I grab my wand and leave the apartment.

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