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(Disclaimer, I'm an American and British Healthcare is very different from ours. I'm going to try to write it the best that I can, but I'll admit I did very little research. What I know is from an Irish friend, which she's basically British so same thing. It'll probably turn out to be an American visit but a medical card instead of insurance and paying)

Just as Regulus had promised in attempt to shut his boyfriend up, Regulus had just arrived at the doctor's office. He sighs as he parks the car, not believing that he needed to be here despite the pleas from David.

He gets out of the car and walks in, walking up to the reception desk to check in. "Hello, I'm here to see Dr. Joey Littledick" Regulus says once he reaches the desk. "Alright, do you have an appointment?" She asks, not looking up at him as she continues to look at her computer. "Yes, for Regulus Bowie" he confirms, using a different last name so that he couldn't be traced back to his family quite as easily but hoped David wouldn't somehow find out. "Ah yes, here you are Mr.Bowie. Can I see your medical card and will you confirm your date of birth for me please?" She asks before looking over the card Regulus hands her. "June 25, 1961" Regulus states before realizing that his deadname is on the card. "Sir, this isn't your card. You may have gotten the birthday right but you certainly aren't Ms.Estella Walburga Black" she says when looking between the card and Regulus. "I just haven't changed the name on my card yet, it's my deadname" Regulus tries to explain but the woman wouldn't have it. "Sir. We cannot let you use some woman's medical card" she says getting annoyed. "Oh I get it, you're a transphobic piece of garbage. You know, you really have no place to work where anyone would have to see you. You are so hideous that you are hurting my eyes, it is physically painful to look at you. Besides, you're supposed to look like you're at least halfway sanitary yet you clearly have not showered this week. You smell so horrid that I can taste the cheap perfume you use to try to hide it. I would rather have a botched lobotomy every single day for the rest of my life rather than listen to you for one more second. Now, get me someone who does not assault the senses before I go behind the desk and show you just how scary I can be" Regulus says, all with an innocent smile. The way his mother taught him.

"What's the problem here?" Dr.Littledick asks, walking out of his office to see an angry Regulus. "This man is trying to pass himself off as some woman, Doctor" the woman explains. "No, my deadname is just on the card. Instead of listening to me your receptionist decided to be transphobic" Regulus explains the actual truth. "Come on, doctor, we both know that transgender people simply have a sickness that shouldn't be pushed onto others. I mean think of the children, God made no mistakes so why trying to change what he created is a sin. For her sake, we shouldn't buy into her nonsense" the receptionist rambles, making Regulus pop his neck. "You want a battle of the Bible, you're going to lose. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus - Galatians 3:28. Those born of an illicit union shall not be admitted to the assembly of the Lord. Even to the tenth generation, none of their descendants shall be admitted to the assembly of the Lord - Deuteronomy 23:2. I'm sure one of your ancestors had a bastard which means you're not going to heaven. If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple - Luke 14:26. So your God wants you to hate yourself and everyone around you, yet you still follow that. You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.'  But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, 'You fool!' will be liable to the hell of fire - Matthew 5:21-22. So the hate you're spewing is going to cause you to go to hell" Regulus says, none of it being a problem to just spew out. "I- well..." the receptionist tries but the doctor talks instead. "Just leave Janet, you're fired" Dr.Littledick says with a sigh.

The doctor and Regulus go through the check up but the doctor gets a hunch on what's causing the illness. "Do you mind if I get you to take a pregnancy test? All of your symptoms are indicators that you may be. I can only get the test from you with your consent, obviously. If you would rather meet with someone more qualified on this then I would recommend seeing your OB/GYN. I would also recommend that you see them if you do take the test and it comes back positive. At home pregnancy tests are wonderful but aren't always accurate, the average at home pregnancy test has between 97-99% accuracy. It's the small percent that truly makes a difference" the doctor explains as Regulus begins to panic. "But we were so careful, I'm on the pill and he's been wearing condoms! How is this possible?" Regulus asks, hyperventilating. "Unfortunately contraceptives, sometimes even when used together, aren't always effective" the doctor explains trying not to upset Regulus further.

Regulus agrees to take the test so after they draw a bit of blood for it Regulus calls Sirius.


What happened? Did David Bowie do something? Did you hurt yourself again? Do I need to come get you?
Sirius, I need to talk to you.
Okay, I'm right here. Would you rather I come get you?
I'm on my way to the apartment. Be there please
Oh wow, you said please. Are you dying? *laughs*
Not the time.
Right sorry, I'm on my way there. James is with me, do you want me to bring him?
No. Just us.
Alright, I'll see you in a minute

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