Chapter 8 | The Epiphany

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The day started like any other; that is, if any other day started awkward as hell due to you getting caught kissing your best friend. Yeah, Joffry wasn't entirely sure how he felt about what had happened the previous night. I mean, can you blame him? Stanley and Pablo saw him and Jirärd kiss on the bed, that's pretty damn embarrassing. All he did know was that he surprisingly enjoyed it.

The boys the went to school together and their day was normal for the most part.. except for Joffry, he couldn't get Jirärd out of his head. He kept thinking about the night before. Could he.. be crushing on Jirärd?? "NO THE FUCK I'M NOT, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" Joffry was still in denial. They finished class and began walking home, when out of nowhere a leprechaun ran up to Joffry and kicked him in the dick, then ran away. "Ow! What the fuck??"

They then continued to walk home, and Joffry said goodbye to the boys. He got inside and lied down on his bed to think. And think he most definitely did. He stared at his ceiling thinking for five hours straight. 'What was he thinking about?' you may ask. Gay shit. He was trying to figure out if he had feelings for Jirärd. He was extremely unsure of if he did or not. He thought he didn't, but the way he felt the night before made him question if he did. This upset him so much to the point that he didn't eat for the whole day. He eventually fell asleep, and his dream wasn't weird like the other ones.. it was about Jirärd. In the dream, Joffry and Jirärd were going on dates, and cuddling on the couch while they watched a movie. When Joffry eventually awoke, he had reached an epiphany: he had fallen for his best friend, Jirärd Izkèül.

There was no denying it, Joffry had a huge-ass crush on him. But he was unsure how to go about things with this newfound knowledge. He met up with Jirärd and they began walking to school like usual, until..

"Hey, Jirärd?" Joffry began to feel anxious for the first time in his life.

"What's up, bro?"

"I gotta tell you something.. something really important."

"Is it about the kiss?"


"If so, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to force that on you. I'm sorry if I made things awkward between us."


"Huh?" Joffry grabbed Jirärd's shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Jirärd.. I love you."

An old man riding a bike stopped next to them and said, "you two sure do hang out a lot, what are you, on a date? GAYYY!" then rode off into the distance as a giant group of geese chased him down.

Jirärd was stunned by what Joffry had just said. "Y-you do?"

Joffry looked down in embarrassment, "yes.."

Jirärd grabbed Joffry's face and kissed him, "So do I." Jirärd smiled.

"So, now what?" Joffry asked, never having been in this situation before.

"I guess we're dating now," Jirärd winked.

"I'm fine with that." Joffry smiled at Jirärd for the first time ever. They then continued walking to school together as they held hands.

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