endless mentality

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In a town far away from pallet town there was a village that not many people knew, it was called contro. Now you must understand that the stories of ash and Pikachu only happen in a certain time and this is a completely different time, well not really, it's only a few years after ash became the world champion but we will call it a completely different time.

In this little town there was a certain teenage boy called Charlie. He was a smart, fearless boy but unfortunately was also depressed. this depression was so severe that it cracked his mentality but he kept it together and doing this caused his own physical form to crack

But going back it all started one morning when Charlie got up and there was great pressure in the chest but that was like every day so we just ignored it as he continued his day, throughout which he felt more tired than usual as his physical form grew thin but as always he pushed through it and pretended as always. He was a Pokémon nerd and was always trying to learn more though his choice of favorite pokemon were quite dark, such as eternatus which had decimated entire towns and giratina who had recently disappeared

"Hi Charlie" the sound of a masculine voice sounded from across the plaza from where Charlie had decide to stop and at the time he was eating a pizza, the voice was followed by the owner who was Charlie's best friend Dylan and beside Dylan was his other friend Emma.

"Suppose you'd mind if I had a slice" Dylan joked "kidding, I know you love pizza more than anything in the world"

"Could I have a slice?" Emma asked

"Sure" Charlie responded in his usual monotone voice

"Seriously, you're gonna let someone take your pizza!!" Dylan asked genuinely shocked

These two were the reason Charlie was still here, if it weren't for them the trees in the local forest would have had a new bauble to decorate it. They met a few years ago and Charlie being the quiet kid he was, sat at the back of the class, he didn't talk to anyone unless they started the conversation and he assumed talking to himself was like scraping a rock across a cheese grater and he was fine with that. When the new kid Dylan had joined his class he was quite short for his age and this caused some of the boys in his class to make fun of him

Even though they weren't being too violent it still made Charlie angry. Something you have to understand is that Charlie was quite a fit person. Yes he did enjoy junk food every now and then but he was tall, fast and was quite a bit stronger than the rest of his class but due to his quietness no one had ever noticed. But now as he made his way to the front of the class the sound of his first making contact with the bullies face would have made a wall wince. Hitting against the wall the bully straightened himself and said in an angry tone "so you do move, I always wanted to punch that stupid face of yours" the bully and Charlie had never actually spoken to each other but Charlie had overheard some of his conversations he'd had with his friends, his grandfather was from the tougher parts of galar and according to him "toughness ran through his veins"

Swinging at Charlie the bully was caught off guard by a punch which caught him Square in his nose making him crash into some desks behind him. "He beat up Craig" the other boys around him were saying, "get out the way" said another voice from behind the small crowd, stepping out from behind the crowd was another boy but before he could even think about attacking a punch Caught him in the chest knocking the air out of him, finally this was enough to stop the boys for me trying anything

As the crowd dispersed the bullies made himself scarce as to not get caught by the teacher for fighting, as the new Kid made his way to his feet Charlie walked back to his seat in the back of the class as if nothing had happened

Following the quiet boy back to the desk he waited until he had sat down and said "thanks for that" which was replied with a mumbled "your welcome"

And from then on Dylan kept up their conversations no matter how one sided it got and a few months later Emma joined and was sat next to Charlie and Dylan and from then on the trio got closer together and were soon all best friends

But Charlie couldn't tell them about his depression, how could he when he knew if it got released to another person it would cause them to have all the nightmares inside of his head introduced to theirs

If your saying "just get a physiatrist" then you should know just how sever the depression was, Charlie was born with the depression but it didn't come out until he was 13, of course his parents took him to a physiatrist but mere hours later the physiatrist was found to have committed suicide in his office after having his session with Charlie, so Charlie Was kept at home for most hours of the day and he only got his freedom back when he was 15 and this was due to his parents committing to work abroad leaving Charlie alone and only spending time together about once every 3 months for a few hours.

Now getting back to the the plaza Charlie sat with his two friends and talked about the new Pokémon that had been in the area "some say its a black humanoid creature with a red shadow like an outline" Dylan said telling them what he had heard

"Sounds like something I'd come up with"Charlie said as he finished off his pizza

"Maybe, but have you guys thought about what you're gonna do when you leave school in a few months?" Dylan asked, it was true they had to consider what they were going to do

"Well I'm going to go to that safari zone with all the ponita, my parents said they were going to let me get some experience there for a few months, how about you Charlie?" Emma said passing the question along

"Nothing" Charlie stated bluntly

"What do you mean nothing, you're telling me you've been going to school for 13 years just to do nothing?" Emma asked

"Maybe I'll join you guys" Charlie said

"Sorry you can't come with me, my parents don't want me to get distracted with a familiar face and they'd freak out if they thought you were following me, How about you Dylan?"

"Sorry can't, I'm going to my uncles and he does not deal well with strangers so you'll be on your own for a while but we'll call you, so don't worry" Dylan said trying not to upset Charlie

"That's fine" Charlie said standing up "I have to go now" he said before walking out of the plaza but as soon as he was out of sight he sprinted to his house and locked himself in his room

First he lost his mentality, then his parents and now his friends and his sanity, laying down on his bed he felt a pain on his arm as a literal physical crack burst open on his arm, a black wisp floated out from the crack, more cracks along his back, legs other arm and neck and soon the fragments were almost falling off like fragments of a clay pot

The small cracks on his head caused dust like particles to fall from his scalp, instead of the hair falling out it came off in one crust piece leaving a gaping hole in the back of his head

With the main piece holding the crust together removed the other pieces just fell to the floor, but there was no sound, it was like turning the whole world on mute as crust pieces piled together on the floor where Charlie had once stood, but all that remained now was a wispy figure curled up into a ball floating about 4 feet off the ground

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