sane patience

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For the next few days school was becoming easier and by the fourth day it felt like a normal school routine and he hated it, he hates school routines and even with his new body a routine was a routine and never allowed for anything extraudenary to happen but he only had a few months left to stick it out until he was finished with school so he could survive it

By the end of theonth the only incidents were quite mild and only once did something serious happen during sports but it was fine, he was good at covering things up

His parents came home but they just had dinner together talked for a while and then they went to bed, by the morning they had already left and he was alone again for another month

One thing that he noticed was that his friendship with Dylan and Emma was decreasing and they had been noticing it as well, Dylan had first brought it up the other day and they both insisted that they should go over to Charlie's house and have a sleepover and while Charlie was at first opposed to the idea he soon gave in and the plan was set for one week

Dylan pov

I finally managed to find an excuse to go over to Charlie's house and now I can find out what's going on

More strange things have been occurring with Charlie more and more

At first it was the staring during class but now it's like he's not even there, I would whisper something to him and he wouldn't even look at me and that's another thing, during his staring session he would not move, like at all, he doesn't even move his fingers or his feet a millimetre and that is not normal behaviour for someone to stay motionless for almost an hour multiple times a day

But now I can see for myself what he's hiding and I only have to wait a week for it

(1 week later)

The days finaly here, as I reach his front door I notice it's already slightly open when Charlie opens it fully, Emma is already there and is on his smart TV scrolling through pokeflix for something to watch

He shows me to one of the mattresses he set out and he left to go to the bathroom, as soon as he turned the corner he stood up and started running through all the stuff lying round

"What are you doing?" Emma asked when she got bored of pointlessly scrolling

"Haven't you noticed that Charlie's been acting wierd?" He said searching through one of the cloth piled that was stuffed in the corner

"Sort of, but it's none of our business" she said

"None of our business? What if somethings wrong, we need to find out if Charlie is alright and we can do that by searching for anything dangerous"

"Dangerous? What do you mean dangerous? What, do you think he's doing drugs? Oh my god you think he's doing drugs"

"Maybe not drugs but there is definitely something wrong and I intend to find out what it is so if you want to just sit there do that and I'll try and help Charlie" Dylan said as he moved towards his draws

Looking round the room Emma said in a rushed tone "fine, I'll help, but we better be quick" and with that she went over to the other draws across the room and started searching

Charlie pov

When Dylan arrived I showed him his bed and left to find the candy bowl that my mom had left incase I had a sleepover but before I followed my clone Dylan jumped up and started rummaging through one of my cloth piles, he's always tidy so I guess it's only natural for him to want my room to be the same

Following my clone i grabbed it in my mouth and positioned myself to where it looked like the clone was holding the bowl, this was no easy task and as I went round the house I kept reminding myself I couldn't go through walls while holding the bowl

When I returned Emma was still watching TV and Dylan was reading one of my comics that I had left on my desk

"I brought sweets" I projected into their minds and as they both looked up I noticed that they were both shaking slightly but it must have been my imagination

"Thanks" they both said as they reached into the bowl and took a piece of candy each

"Hey have you guys seen the old library" he said getting the others attention

"You have a library?" Dylan said, shocked that he had never mentioned this before

"I'll take that as a no" he said "follow me" he said as he led them up the stairs

They entered the room at the end of the hallway and when he said "old library" he meant old

While the rest of the house looked modern the library was like one of those study rooms you'd imagine in a cartoon and this was even more so because of the small round window that let small light beams to enter the room

The dust was so thick you could scoop it like snow and probably make a dustman out of it

Behind Charlie's back Dylan had picked up one of the old books and was going to perform an experiment

Throwing the book at Charlie he and Emma watched as it went right through him and hit the floor behind him

Silence filled the room as Charlie looked at the book and back at his friends

"What are you?" Dylan asked, his voice shaking before he got control of himself and shouted at the clone "where is Charlie" which was only met with silence

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH CHARLIE YOU FAKE" he yelled as the clone stayed with its mouth open when it disappeared

Charlie watched as Dylan went from anger to shock to fear as he made himself visible to his friends, no point hiding it now

"I am Charlie" he said but his response was only met with an angry "NO, YOU ARE NOT CHARLIE, I KNOW CHARLIE AND HE IS NOT SOME OVERGROWN WORM, SO SHUT UP AND TELL ME WHAT YOU DID WITH CHARLIE " Dylan yelled at the giratina

"I told you, I am Charlie"

"SHUT UP, IF YOU WONT TELL ME WHERE CHARLIE IS THEN GET LOST, I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO A GIANT WORM THAT'S PRETENDING TO BE MY BEST FRIEND SO GO, GO AWAY" Dylan yelled before he pulled out a pokeball from one of his pockets "BUT I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU SO I WILL DEFEAT YOU" he yelled as he threw the pokeball into the air and his partner weavile came out

"WEAVILE USE SHADOW CLAW" he yelled and as blow after blow impacted him before he fainted Charlie escaped through the wall and into the forest and that is where the story ends, or is it

To be continued.......

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