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I glanced at tanner and y/n, I watched y/n walk away and go into the kitchen

"ISSACCCCC" nick yelled


"God damn bro Ive been saying your mane for about a minute. Anyways you wanna go out to dinner with all of us?"

"oh.. yeah sure whatever"

I walked away to the kitchen to get something to eat

When I walked in I saw y/n I totally forgot she walking in here

"hi y/n" I smiled

"Hey Issac!" She said warmly(?)

"so we are going out to dinner tonight, after dinner wanna do something?"

"sure sounds like fun!" She said while walking off

time skip
7:20 (3rd person POV)

"Are you guys ready to go?" Yumi said

"yuppp" tanner yelled

"Y/n I'll race you to to car" tanner smiled

"Bet!" She said as they took off running
"I WON!!" she yelled

"Good job y/n" tanner high-fived her

"Who's driving?" Larry asked

"I will" Issac said

"Nooo sit in the back" nick said

"I wanna drive" nick followed up his first sentence

"Fine" Issac moved to the back row and saw y/n

"hi" Issac quietly said as nick started the car

"Hi Issac:)" y/n id

Issac thought about putting his hand on y/ns thigh, He inched his hand closer and closer until y/n picked up his hand and put his on her thigh

Y/n and issac looked up at EACHOTHER and y/n smiled


I got a new phone and I put this off more so when I got it I could start writing also my birthday was 7 days ago😋

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