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y/n -

"GUYS. WHERE ARE WE GOING TO EAT?" Larry yelled to the camera tanner was holding

"omg!! Can we get seafood?" you said happily

"ew no let's get McDonald's" Yumi fake threw up


"YES IT IS Y/N, GET OVER IT" tanner joked back

I fake cried and put my hands over my face and my head on Isaacs shoulder "w-w-w-why a-a-a-re you b-b-bring m-m-mean" I stutter being over dramatic (imagine a MHA fan faking autism)

"poor baby" tanner laughed

Issac put his arms around me basically hugging me

Time skip!!

"guysss we have arrived to our nearest McDonald's.." nick clapped and updated the camera

tanner turned the camera to Yumi, Larry, me and Issac

"hii!!" I said

Issac just gave a "dad" thumps up and Larry and Yumi kept on talking

"Okay y'all let's go" nick said getting out

Yumi got out of the car yelling at tanner for some random thing

I turned to Issac "I don't want McDonald's" I complained

"Issac can you help me find my air pod case.." Larry cried for help

"Sure give me a second"

"I'll get you ice cream after if you eat McDonald's with us" Issac said

My eyes lit up


I'm on spring break L.O.L

I Love You. (Isaacwhy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now